Within the scope of the Hrant Dink Foundation History Program, the public talk titled  “Imagining Justice through Oral History” was held on Wednesday, June 12, with the participation of Columbia Global Centers | Istanbul.

On December 21st , a workshop titled as ‘Choices Faced, Decisions Made: The Holocaust And Wartime Morality' was organized. The workshop was led by Larysa Michalska, who is an educator at the Galicia Jewish Museum.

The panel “Practices of Dealing with Difficult Pasts: Experiences from Germany, Poland and Albania” was organized on 20 December, Thursday at Hrant Dink Foundation, Havak Hall. 

As part of the Armenian Contemporary Art lecture series supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Angela Harutyunyan, Director of the Art History program of American University of Beirut, held a lecture on December 7th, 2018.

As a part of the Armenian Contemporary Art lecture series supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the last event held by artist Ruben Malayan with his speech took place under the title of Armenian Calligraphy Tradition: Past, Present and Future.

As part of “Media Watch on Hate Speech” project, with the participation of Ezgi Koman and Şeyma Özkan, the report examining children’s representation in media was presented in a panel held on December 24 in Havak Hall.

Held on the occasion of Human Rights and Democracy Week, the event hosted Kırkayak Kültür and Kadın Kadına Mülteci Mutfağı which offer different alternatives for solidarity and coexistence with refugees.

The panel, “The panel, “Practices of Dealing With Difficult Pasts: Transformative Education Programmes in Museums and Memory Sites” organized by the Hrant Dink Foundation and DVV International took place on 15 November 2018.

After the screening of the documentary Ballad for Syria, the talk moderated by Evrim Hikmet Öğüt was held with the participation of director Eda Elif Tibet in Hrant Dink Foundation Anarad Hığutyun Building Havak Hall.

To commemorate his 127th death anniversary, Ohannes Muhendisyan's contribution to Ottoman and International Arabic typography culture will be presented on the 16th of November with a seminar and a sound composition.

The panel discussion on the ways of using art as a healing and transforming instrument was held with the participation of Güneş Terkol, Evrim Hikmet Öğüt and Umut Sülün on Thursday, September 27, in Havak Hall. 

Moderated by Aylin Vartanyan Dilaver, a panel addressing the contribution and challenges of peace-building work with young people in Northern Ireland was held with the participation of Martin McMullan.

The speakers of the panel which was moderated by journalist Işın Eliçin, were the editor of journo.com.tr and academician Orhan Şener and Doğruluk Payı Digital Operations Coordinator Denizcan Sarı.

In April 2018, following the election of Serzh Sargsyan as Prime Minister of Armenia, large crowds took to the streets in a self-organized and grassroots movement, which objected the ruling power in general.

In the panel moderated by KONDA Director Bekir Ağırdır, issued as part of the Media Watch on Hate Speech project, findings of media monitoring in 2017 and discriminatory discourse reports were presented.