Zeynep Taşkın (Administrative Director)
zeyneptaskin[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 226

She graduated from Vienna University of Economics and Business. Since 1995, she has been working as a project coordinator in a range of NGOs. She is responsible for fundraising and the general coordination of the Foundation.

Nayat Karaköse (Director of Programs)
nayatkarakose[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 225

Nayat Karaköse received her BA degree in sociology from the Galatasaray University. She completed her MA degree in ‘Theory and Practice of Human Rights’ at University of Essex. In fall 2014, she became one of the fellows of the Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability fellowship program of the Institute for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University.

Ayfer Bartu Candan (Research Director)
ayferbartucandan[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 230

After completing her undergraduate studies in Sociology and Psychology, she completed her master's and doctorate degrees in Social Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley. After a 26-year academic career, she retired from Boğaziçi University in 2024 and started working at the Hrant Dink Foundation. 

Zeynep Sungur (Director of Communications)

She graduated from Bilkent University International Relations with BA degree in 2008. She holds two MA degrees, one from King’s College International Peace and Security Programme and one from Sabanci University Political Sciences Programme.

Aylin Mikailoğu (Finance Coordinator)
aylinmikailoglu[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 233

After completing her graduate studies at Eskisehir University’s Business Administration department, she has been working for 16 years in financial analysis and accounting.

Tanya Hanesyan (Foundation Secretary)
tanyahanesyan[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 233

She has been working as an office and operations manager in the fields of accounting and organization since 1995.


Deniz Ezgi Sürek (Communication Coordinator)
denizezgisurek[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 227

She graduated from Yıldız Technical University, Department of Photography and Video in 2015. She received her Master’s degree from the Department of Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design at Sabancı University in 2018.

Cemre Gürbüz (Multimedia Coordinator)
cemregurbuz[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 227

She graduated from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Departments of City and Regional Planning and Architecture in 2022.


Aslı Yolcu (Visitor Programmes Coordinator)
asliyolcu[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 225

She received her BA degree from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, the Department of Art History in 2018. She is currently studying for a Master's degree in Museology at Yıldız Technical University.

Kürşat Güngör Sağlam (Person in Charge of 23.5 Hrant Dink Site of Memory)

After graduating from accounting education, he worked in the private sector for many years. He continues his education at Istanbul University, Department of Anthropology.


Buket Kapısız (Countering Hate Speech Event Coordinator)
buketkapisiz[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 229

She received her BA degree in City and Regional Planning from Middle East Technical University in 2018.

Elif Erol (Countering Hate Speech Project Coordinator)
eliferol[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 229

She graduated from Sabancı University, Department of Cultural Studies in 2019 and completed her master’s degree in 2022 at the same university.

Pelin Önal (Countering Hate Speech Monitoring Coordinator)
pelinonal[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 229

After graduating from Boğaziçi University, Department of Western Languages ​​and Literatures in 2017, in 2019 she received a master's degree from Ludwig-Maximilians University, English Studies Program. She is continuing her education at Boğaziçi University as part of the Linguistics PhD program.

Liana Erişsever (Learning Programs Project Trainer)
lianaerissever[at]hrantdink.org - ext 229

She graduated from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Department of Sociology in 2014. Completed her master’s degree in Psychological Counseling and Guidance at the Yıldız Technical University in 2018. She worked as a School Counselor for many years.


Talin Süzme (Turkey-Armenia Programme Coordinator)
talinsuzme[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 227

She received her BA in International Relations and English Studies from London Guildhall University in 2004. After working in asset financing for many years, she joined our team in 2020.

Cemre Kumla (Turkey-Armenia Project Coordinator)
cemrekumla[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 227

She graduated from Boğaziçi University, Department of Political Science and International Relations in 2022. In September 2022, she started her master's degree in Political Science at Central European University and is currently working on her thesis.


Damla Barın (Cultural Heritage Project Coordinator)
damlabarin[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 230

She graduated from Boğaziçi University, Department of Sociology in 2019. She completed her MA degree in sociology at the same university in 2022.

İren Bıçakçı (Hrant Dink Foundation Archive Coordinator)
irenbicakci[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 232

She graduated from Kadir Has University, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design in 2015.

Lara Çakmak (Hrant Dink Foundation Archive Project Research Assistant)
laracakmak[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 232

She graduated from Bahçeşehir University, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design in 2010. 

Deniz Derya Dertli (Hrant Dink Foundation Archive Project Asisstant)
denizdertli[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 232

Deniz is graduated from Marmara University, Information and Records Management in 2020. Deniz is continues to study associate degree in Health Institutions Management at Istanbul University.

Mehmet Polatel (Minority Rights Academy Coordinator)

He received his PhD degree in Modern Turkish History at Boğaziçi University. He did postdoctoral research and gave lectures at the Center for Armenian Studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research.

Belgin Aktürk (Minority Rights Academy Finance Coordinator)
belginakturk[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 223

She obtained her Computer Technologies and Programming degree from Istanbul Aydin University in 2006 and in 2015 graduated from Anadolu University Business Administration department.

Zeynep Karababa (Minority Rights Academy Project Assistant)
zeynepkarababa[at]hrantdink.org - ext: 231

She graduated from Boğaziçi University, Department of Psychology in 2021. She continues her master’s degree in Social Psychology at the same university.