With the contribution of Istanbul Bilgi University Children’s Studies Unit and Hayat Sende Youth Academy Association, the media-children relation and the representation of children under legal protection in the media were discussed.
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As a part of the cultural heritage in Anatolia project, Hrant Dink Foundation and Houshamadyan jointly organized a series of panels and workshops on intangible cultural heritage of non-Muslim communities in Turkey.
Based on the prominent findings of the Media Watch on Hate Speech project, discriminatory discourse and hate speech in the media directed against religious and ethnic identities were discussed.
In the panel 'Combating Discriminatory Discourse: Theoretical Discussions & European Experience regarding Hate Speech Laws', the boundaries between freedom of expression and hate speech and European hate speech laws were discussed.
With the contribution of Hatice Çetinkaya and Nilay Vardar, combating discrimination and discriminatory discourse against Roma people in the media and the representation of them especially in the mainstream media were discussed.
In collaboration with AccessAbility Istanbul Exhibition, the representation of persons with disabilities in the media and discriminatory discourse against persons with disabilities in the print media were discussed.
With the contibution of Itır Erhart, Çiçek Tahaoğlu and Yıldız Tar, homophobic and transphobic discourse in the news and possible ways to increase non-discriminatory news examples were discussed.
With the contribution of alternative media platforms Cinsomedya, 5Harfliler and Reçel blog, the problem of discriminatory discourse against women and representation of women in the media were discussed.
With the contributions of Hakan Ataman and Eda Bekçi, the discriminatory and exclusionary discourse in the news and opinion columns covering the Syrian refugees and the concepts related to asylum were discussed.
Cultural Heritage in Anatolia, as a project aims to contribute to the visibility of and the responsibility for the heritage belongs to minorities in Anatolia by putting together an inventory of their records.
The panel on “Discrimination and Hate on Media: Social media, representation of difference and activism against discrimination” was held with the participation of Dr. Gavan Titley and Ronald Eissens.
The panel discussing the ways in which hate speech is produced in traditional media and social media took place with the participation of Elisabeth Eide and László Földi in the moderation of Itır Erhart.
The panel took place with the participation of Teun van Dijk, one of the world's most prominent scholars in the field of critical discourse studies and Charles Husband, internationally known with his work on media and ethnic diversity.
The guest speaker of our monthly talk was Nouritza Matossian. Matossian told us about the extra-ordinary life story of the world-famous artist Arshile Gorky, aka Manoug Adoyan, and how he discovered Gorky's Armenian roots.
The first of theHrant Dink Foundation talks planned to be organized by periodically was on February 26, 2011. The talk followed the screening of Avedikian’s animation «Chienne d’Histoire».
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