Within the scope of the KarDes: Multicultural Memory Tours Guide mobile application project, the launch event for the ‘Istanbul's Water Heritage Tour,’ was held on Wednesday, February 19th at the Anarad Hığutyun Building.
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In the fifth series of the History Program Social Studies Graduate Student Workshops, three researches on the theme of Istanbul and minorities will be discussed. You are invited to this workshop on Thursday, November 28.
Within the scope of the Hrant Dink Foundation History Program, the speech entitled “Presencing an Absence: Accountability and Memory in the Aftermath of 1915” was held on Tuesday, June 30, by Armen T. Marsoobian.
Within the scope of History Program you are invited to the panel on "Presencing an Absence: Accountability and Memory in the Aftermath of 1915" on Tuesday, 30 July with the presentation of Armen T. Marsoobian.
Within the scope of the Hrant Dink Foundation History Program, the public talk titled “Imagining Justice through Oral History” was held on Wednesday, June 12, with the participation of Columbia Global Centers | Istanbul.
As part of the Armenian Contemporary Art lecture series supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Angela Harutyunyan, Director of the Art History program of American University of Beirut, held a lecture on December 7th, 2018.
As a part of the Armenian Contemporary Art lecture series supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the last event held by artist Ruben Malayan with his speech took place under the title of Armenian Calligraphy Tradition: Past, Present and Future.
In the scope of 35th Foundations Week, "Foundations Established by Women", Hrant Dink Foundation and Kalfayan Orphanage Foundation present a panel "Sister Srpouhi Kalfayan's 152 Year's Foundation".
Rob Perks and Mary Stewart from the British Library and Oral History Society gave presentations during the panel moderated by Prof. Dr. Arzu Öztürkmen from the History Department of Boğaziçi University.
Dr. Antranig Dakessian talks on the history of the Armenian community in Lebanon. His historical periodisation of the Armenian community in Lebanon extends from the 1920's to the modern days.
Two distinct institutions, National Library of Armenia from Yerevan and Haigazian University from Beirut, that were in Istanbul for the first time, discussed whether it is possible to overcome geographical distances through digital connections.
Dr. Boris Adjemian’s talks about AGBU Nubar Library’s founding process, the archival and book collections, current projects, its connection to Ottoman studies and explains how researchers can have access.
Dr. Boris Adjemian talks on Ethiopia Armenians, the history of the community, the migrations from the Ottoman Empire, the case of the orphans orchestra and the more recent situation of the community.
Prof. Ronald Grigor Suny, gave a lecture series titled on 'Armenians and Armenia in the Age of Extremes' at Hrant Dink Foundation with the support of Gulbenkian Foundation and Sivil Düşün.
Hrant Dink Foundation organized a new panel with the participation of Cultural Heritage Without Borders (CHwB) representatives in Eastern Europe and of the Association for the Protection of Cultural Heritage.
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