The Hrant Dink Foundation is organizing, as a part of its 'Revealing and Advocating the Multi-Cultural Heritage of Anatolia' project, a new panel called ‘Topographies of Memory: Exchanging Knowledge and Best Practices’.
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As a part of the cultural heritage in Anatolia project, Hrant Dink Foundation and Houshamadyan jointly organized a series of panels and workshops on intangible cultural heritage of non-Muslim communities in Turkey.
Cultural Heritage in Anatolia, as a project aims to contribute to the visibility of and the responsibility for the heritage belongs to minorities in Anatolia by putting together an inventory of their records.
The guest speaker of our monthly talk was Nouritza Matossian. Matossian told us about the extra-ordinary life story of the world-famous artist Arshile Gorky, aka Manoug Adoyan, and how he discovered Gorky's Armenian roots.
The first of theHrant Dink Foundation talks planned to be organized by periodically was on February 26, 2011. The talk followed the screening of Avedikian’s animation «Chienne d’Histoire».
Armenian Architects of Istanbul in the Era of Westernization exhibition opened with a panel in Istanbul Modern. Panelists were Prof. Edhem Eldem, Prof. Dr. Afife Batur, Dr. Ahmet Ersoy and Dr. Elmon Hançer.
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