The panel, which will be organized on the 15th of December by Hrant Dink Foundation and DVV International will focus on the experiences of NGO’s from different countries on their practices of dealing with difficult pasts.

The panel, “Practices of dealing with difficult pasts: Bosnia and Herzegovina” organized by the Hrant Dink Foundation and DVV International took place in Hrant Dink Foundation Havak Hall on 01 December 2017. 

In this panel, the memorialization works, the practices of dealing with the past and the efforts for establishing a constructive dialogue will be discussed in light of the experiences of Tunnel of Hope, History Museum of Bosnia Herzegovina and Memory Lab.

'Sites of Memory' Xchange Program is implemented by DVV International and the Hrant Dink Foundation. The program will support 20 participants to gain experience in sites of memory and museums in different countries. 

Hrant Dink Foundation became a member of European Observatory on Memories (EUROM) that is a transnational network of institutions and organizations committed with the analysis and promotion of remembrance public policies.

Hrant Dink Site of Memory which hosted the 'Memory of Objects' workshop on May 17th Wednesday, was opened for visitation on May18th, on the occasion of International Museums Day.

Hrant Dink Site of Memory will be open for visits between 10:00-20:00 hours, on 18th of May, within the scope of International Museum Day. We will be there to meet with the visitors and share memories.

The talk will take place on the 11th of May and will start at 16:00 pm. The panel will be moderated by Astghik Igityan and the talk will be held in English and there will be simultaneous translation to Armenian.

Within the scope of the preparation process of site of memory, a special importance was given to run an inclusive process and to share the knowledge and experience that we gained during this process by making presentations.

A unique form of art named as ‘Blanket Art’ was born in Prison Number Four. Prisoners used the blankets to create a range of designs and objects. They created even living rooms to please the leaders of the gangs by using blankets.

The message in the bottle was discovered in 2003, in former Sachsenhausen Nazi Camp that operated between the years 1936-1945 and which is located in Oranienburg region, 35 km north of Berlin. 

The study visits constitute an important leg of Hrant Dink Site of Memory preliminary process. The study visit to South America, consisting of Argentina and Chile was organized during 5-14 December 2016.