The 23.5 Hrant Dink Site of Memory is envisaged to be a living and dynamic venue that promotes research and production. 
In addition to the activities organized within the scope of the visitor programs, 23.5 will also host a range of thematic workshops. Based on interaction and active participation, these workshops will focus on practices of remembrance, personal stories, Armenian culture and history, universal values such as democracy, human rights, peace and equality, and inspiring sites of memory and museums in different areas of the world.

After the guided tour of 23.5 Hrant Dink Site of Memory, participants are expected to share their ideas and experiences using the 'Interaction Map'. The map includes various questions and information about the sections and content of 23.5

In this workshop, participants explore memory sites and museums that deal with difficult pasts in different geographies. The workshop will also feature inspiring memorialization projects that are being conducted by a range of organizations.

Hrant Dink’s office at 23.5 Hrant Dink Site of Memory consists of furniture, books, documents, pictures that are hung on the wall, photos, trinkets, and souvenir objects. While decorating his room, Hrant Dink selected images that are linked to each other. The duration of the workshop is approximately 2 hours.