You can virtually visit the exhibition ‘Coulisse: Hagop Ayvaz, A Chronicler of Theater’ which is based on the personal theatre archive of an Istanbulite theater player and publisher Hagop Ayvaz and shed light on the theater history of Turkey within the context of collective memory, identity, and space. 

The personal archive of Armenian actor, director, writer and publisher Hagop Ayvaz encompasses a period spanning from the mid-19th century, when first attempts for theatrical productions were made, till the beginning of the 21 st century.

You can watch the online panel titled 'Theatres of Istanbul and Beyoğlu' which was held on December and was on the memory of theatre in Istanbul with reference to the theatre buildings, particularly the ones in the Beyoğlu neighborhood which is the oldest cultural center of the city.

Kevork Malikyan’s 50 years in art was celebrated on 13th and 15th of October 2017 at Hrant Dink Foundation and Surp Haç Tıbrevank Highschool where he graduated from with a series of events.

In the 56th Venice Biennial Pavilion of Turkey was the instalment of ‘Respiro’ by Sarkis. The Golden Icon, which is one of the six signals of this instalment, was exhibited in the Anarad Hıghutyun Building. 

Within the framework of the 14th Istanbul Biennial, the artworks by Vietnamese artist Nguyen Huy An were on display in the exhibition area and library of the Anarad Hıghutyun Building.

In 2015, in the fifth year of the project, 20 films were selected by the jury consisting of Amat Escalante, Azize Tan, Ercan Kesal, Jay Weissberg, Rakel Dink, Şebnem İşigüzel, Tuğrul Eryılmaz and Zeynep Özbatur Atakan.

In 2013, in the fourth year of the project, 21 films were selected by Ahmet Boyacıoğlu, Cem Mansur, Petros Markaris, Rakel Dink, Susanna Harutyunyan, Thomas Balkenhol and Yeşim Ustaoğlu.

In 2012, in the third year of the project, 22 films selected by Alin Taşçıyan, Arzu Başaran, Eric Bogosian, Hülya Uçansu, Marco Bechis, Rakel Dink, Reha Erdem and Robin Kirk were put together in a DVD.

The project host 226 short films, more than 5,000 members and thousands of visitors through the website and invited everyone who can get hold of a camera to shoot a short film for 5 minutes at most.

Community foundations have managed to sustain their existence from the Ottoman period to the present day, and they carry great importance in perpetuating the activities of all institutions of non-Muslim communities.

Within the scope of study on the seized properties of Armenian foundations in Istanbul, archiving work has been carried out in the archives of 17 Armenian foundations with the contribution of researchers and volunteers.

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