2024 Multicultural Event Calendar

The first phase of the HDV Minority Rights Academy was conducted with the participation of 20 participants and 10 experts.

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We are meeting at the 23.5 Hrant Dink Site of Memory to discover the story of the new stained glass piece created for Hrant Dink by the artist Sarkis.

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 With the KarDes Multicultural Memory Tour Guide mobile application, you can discover the little-known stories of cities through memory tours. You can download KarDes to your phones and tablets for free.

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Discover opportunities for cooperation and travel beyond borders with the Turkey-Armenia Travel Grant in 2023-2024.

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In this episode of "Azınlık Hâlleri," we discussed freedom of religion and belief, how these concepts are addressed in international law, and the place of these concepts in Turkey with Mine Yıldırım.

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Turkey-Armenia Travel Grant continues to increase direct contacts and promote cooperation between the peoples of the two neighbouring countries. You can learn about the 2023 grantees and how to apply for the next rounds.

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23.5 Hrant Dink Site of Memory can be visited individually or with guided tours. You can participate in the guided tours by filling out the form on our website.

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You can register for this workshop, which is held in Hrant Dink's office at 23.5 Hrant Dink Site of Memory, by filling out the form. The duration of the workshop is approximately 2 hours. The number of participants is limited to 8 people.

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