On the 18th anniversary of Hrant Dink's assassination, we will focus on the courageous discussions he led as a journalist on truth, justice and confrontation.
The Anarad Hığutyun Building has been home to the Hrant Dink Foundation since 2015. Spaces at the building are now available to rent.
From November 25th to 28th, 2024, five experts from Armenia in ethnomusicology and musical pedagogy participated in the Turkey-Armenia music dialogue programme.
With the KarDes Multicultural Memory Tour Guide mobile application, you can discover the little-known stories of cities through memory tours. You can download KarDes to your phones and tablets for free.
In this episode of Azınlık Hâlleri, we discussed the concept of childhood and the place of children's rights in international law with our guest, Nazan Maksudyan. We explored the meaning of being a child in minority communities, from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic, delving into childhood politics.
The analytical report “Insights beyond borders: Turkey-Armenia relations through public eyes”, which is the result of joint research conducted between 2023-2024 in Turkey and Armenia has been published.
One of the ways to struggle against discrimination can be transforming the language we use. We have listed the videos for you to watch the series on ways to use a language free from discrimination, racism, sexism, prejudices, hate and violence.