Through critical discourse analysis, we examined the news articles and columns that contain hate speech targeting national, ethnic and religious identity groups and LGBTI+ people in the print media in July, August and September 2024. You can access news clippings and detailed analyses through “Hate Speech in the Press: Our Selections from July, August, September'' to access news clippings and detailed analysis.
In the Turkish print media in July, August and September;
Jewish identity was blamed for the acts committed by a group of people by using negative references and Jews were associated with aggression.
The visibility of LGBTI+ people was problematised and it was claimed that they pose a ‘threat’ to the family and social structure, and homophobic and transphobic discourses targeting sexual orientation groups were generated.
Refugees were targeted by hate speech by stating that they constitute a potential ‘danger’ in news articles where their visibility was problematised.
Greek Cypriot (Rum) identity was pointed out as responsible for the violent incidents in news reports on historical and current events.
1. Sözcü, “WE OPENED OUR DOORS WE EMBRACED WE GAVE FOOD WE WERE BETRAYED" The news article focuses on the incidents that are reported to have started in the north of Syria after the attacks targeting refugees in Kayseri. In the title of the news article, temporary protection status, which is a legal right, is pointed out and discriminatory discourse is created against refugees with expressions such as ‘we took care of them, we gave them food’. With the negative expressions used in the text and in the title, an ‘us and them’ opposition is established against Syrian identity and Syrians are alienated. In the news article, which reports the allegations that Turkish flags were taken down and vehicles with Turkish license plates were attacked, the actions of a group are attributed to the identity. The existing hostility towards Syrians, who are described as ‘betrayers’ and ‘ungrateful’, is fueled. |
2. Yeni Akit, “Nazi remnants offended by Grey Wolf” The article is about an athlete from the Turkish National Football Team making the ‘gray wolf’ sign after scoring a goal in a match in the 2024 World Cup and the reactions to this sign in the German press. In the article written in support of the sign, German journalists and state officials are referred to as ‘Nazi remnants’ and ‘Nazis’, and in this way, hostility towards German identity is generated. The article also uses the expression ‘LGBTI+’ and uses a natural element of identity itself to generate hate speech against LGBTI+ people. The social media posts of an athlete who is alleged to be LGBTI+ are characterized as ‘immorality’ and ‘propaganda’ and hostility towards LGBTI+ people is reinforced. |
July 16, 2024 |
3. İstiklal Gazetesi, “Don't comply with the Jews who initiated anti-Arab racism” The column is about the attacks targeting refugees in Kayseri in July. Although the author defines the attacks against Syrian and Afghan refugees as racism in the text, instead of mentioning the related identities in the title and in the text, he defines it as ‘anti-Arabism’, leading to under- or misrepresentation of ethnic and national identities. Author refers to the Jews as the starting point of the racism that Arabs are subjected to. Based on different religious narratives, the claim that Jews harbor hatred and hostility towards Arabs is attributed to the entire Jewish identity. By claiming that Jews aim to spread this hostility through social media, prejudices against Jews are reinforced.
July 18, 2024 |
4. Türkiyede Yeniçağ, “Foreign Affairs to the arrogant Greek: Stop sedition” The news article covers the Ministry of National Defence's condemnation of a statement made by the Greek Minister of Defence. The expressions ‘insolent’ and ‘sedition’ used in the title of the news item associate Greek identity with negative characteristics. In the text, the responsibility for state policies is attributed to Greek and Greek identities through historical narratives. In this way, the perception of hostility towards Greeks is reinforced.
July 29, 2024
5. , Türkiyede Yeniçağ, “Paris Olympics of perversion” The column is about the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. The column, which refers to LGBTI+ identity as ‘perversion’ and characterises LGBTI+ visibility in the media as ‘propaganda’ and ‘LGBT terrorism’, fuels discrimination against LGBTI+ people and targets LGBTI+ people. In addition, the author reproduces and supports homophobic discourses by including the discourses of politicians who characterise LGBTI+ people as ‘deviant,’ ‘immoral’ and ‘satanic’. Existing prejudices and perception of hostility towards LGBTI+ people, who are pointed out as a ‘threat’ to society and family, are reinforced. |
August 1, 2024
6. Milat, “Jewish Atrocities registered” The article conveys the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on human rights violations in Palestine. In the headline, the responsibility of a group and state policies is attributed to Jewish identity. With the expression ‘atrocities’, which is frequently used to generate a discourse of hostility, prejudices against Jews are fueled. |
August 6, 2024 |
7. Aydınlık, “Woman has no name” The column conveys the author's discourses addressed to the International Olympic Committee regarding some athletes participating in the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. In the text, while the visibility of LGBTI+ athletes at the Olympic Games is problematised, LGBTI+ people are targeted with homophobic and transphobic discourses. In the column, where it is claimed that the International Olympic Committee provides an unfair advantage to trans athletes, discriminatory discourse is produced with the expression ‘feminine’ used to describe trans athletes. It is claimed that the International Olympic Committee is trying to drive trans athletes away from sports and this claim is attributed to LGBTI+ identity by associating it with ‘propaganda’ and ‘oppression’. In this way, the existing hostility towards LGBTI+ people is fueled. The term ‘giaour’ used in the text when talking about ‘fair play’, a sports term, generates a discourse of hostility towards non-Muslims. |
August 22, 2024 |
8. Korkusuz, “Hatay seems like it's gone” The column conveys the author's thoughts on refugees in Hatay. The column defines the presence of Syrians with the term ‘occupation’ and the allegations against refugees are conveyed in a discriminatory language. The column labels the presence of refugees in public spaces such as hospitals and parks as a ‘threat’ and targets refugees in this way. The use of the term ‘so-called asylum seeker’ questions the legal status of refugees and paves the way for possible rights violations. Expressions such as ‘we are losing Hatay without a fight’ generate war discourse, and the existing hostility towards refugees is fueled. |
August 22, 2024 |
9. Yeni Akit, “‘Women's toilet’ for urinating and ‘men's ward’ for sleeping” The column conveys the author's allegations against Selin Ciğerci and trans prisoners in Tokat Prison. In the text, trans identity is used as an element of humiliation with the expression ‘’convert‘’ and LGBTI+ people are labelled as a ‘threat’ by being described as ‘deviant’. Existing enmity is fueled by ‘misgendering’ and ‘using dead names’, which are frequently used in the production of hate speech against trans people. The author describes the placement of a transgender prisoner in the men's ward with the expression ‘cruelty’ and in this way, hostility towards trans people is generated. LGBTI+ people are targeted through their visibility and fundamental rights. |
September 2, 2024 |
10. Yeni Şafak, "DON'T BE AN INSTRUMENT TO THE GREEK CYPRIOT (RUM) GAME" The article reports TRNC President Tatar's statements on an online series about the Cyprus Peace Operation. The phrase ‘’Greek Cypriot (Rum) game'' used in the title of the news item attributes the responsibility of the state policies to the Greek Cypriot identity. The news article, which reproduces hate speech during the transmission of the statements, reinforces the existing prejudices against Greek Cypriots. By quoting Tatar's statement of ‘propaganda’ against Jews in the news article, the responsibility of state policies is attributed to Jewish identity and hostility towards Jews is fueled. |
September 3, 2024 |
11. Türkiye'de Yeniçağ, “He was going to revive Armenian terrorism and attack our embassies” The news reports on an investigation allegedly launched against a student in the US. In the criminal complaint, which is alleged to be about the actions of an Armenian university student, it is claimed that the student learned how to make bombs and planned to organise attacks in Türkiye and Azerbaijan. The phrase ‘Armenian terror’ used in the headline associates Armenian identity with violence and crime, and the perception of hatred and hostility towards Armenians fueled.
![]() September 3, 2024 |
12. Milat, “Why were the Jews expelled?” The column is about the author's views on Jews based on historical events. The Jewish identity, defined with the expression ‘cursed tribe’, is targeted with the claim that the historical narrative has been changed in favour of the Jews. At the same time, the column trivialises the Holocaust through the narration of historical events and points to the actions of Jews as responsible for the violations of rights experienced by Jews. By associating Jewish identity with negative characteristics and crime, hate speech and hostility against Jews are generated. |
September 10, 2024 |
13. Aydınlık, “Saraçhane Meeting against LGBT imposition” The news reports the press conference organised by the Grand Family Platform regarding the anti-LGBTI+ meeting. In the title and text, LGBTI+ identity is characterised as an ‘imposition’ and ‘propaganda’. LGBTI+ people are labelled as a ‘threat’ to family structure and society. The existing perception of hostility towards LGBTI+ people, who are defined with negative expressions and whose visibility in society is problematised, is reinforced. |
September 11, 2024 |
14. Yeni Mesaj, “There is no separate nation called ‘Kurd'!” The column focuses on the author's claims about the origin of Kurdish identity. The column conveys claims that Kurdish identity refers to another concept instead of identity, and that there is no such ethnic identity. The author supports his hate speech with alleged historical narratives and associates Kurdish identity with war and violence by claiming that the debates mentioned in the column were put forward in order to ‘divide the Turkish nation’. In this way, the perception of hostility towards Kurds is reinforced. |
September 12, 2024 |
15. Aydınlık, “EU AND THE USA FUND LGBT ASSOCIATIONS” The news article is about a research on the funding sources of non-governmental organisations active in the fields of LGBTI+ and women's studies in Türkiye. The article claims that these NGOs are ‘funded’ by the US and the EU, and uses the terms ‘so-called’ and ‘collaborator’ to target women and LGBTI+ people. In the news article, which refers to the activities of the associations as ‘propaganda’, it is finally argued that the organisation of LGBTI+ people should be banned and violations of rights against LGBTI+ people are legitimised. |
September 16, 2024 |
16. Milli Gazete, “WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THE CHILDREN OF THIS AGE?” The column presents the author's views on the characteristics of people of different generations according to their ethnic and religious identity, and the factors that influence the formation of these characteristics. The author claims that ethnic and religious identity is a determinant of personality traits, and in this context, the author defines Jewish identity with the phrase ‘ruthless and bloodthirsty’. By associating Jewish identity with violence, existing prejudice and hostility against Jews are fueled. |
September 16, 2024 |
17. Anayurt, “Asylum seekers and the future threat” The column focuses on the author's views on refugees and his claims about the demographic structure of Türkiye.By positioning Christian and Jewish identities against Turkish and Muslim identities, the author constructs an ‘us and them’ opposition towards these identities. Moreover, in the column where it is claimed that Syrians will cause ‘problems that the Turks and Türkiye will face’, the Syrian identity is labelled as a ‘threat’. In the column where the visibility of refugees in social life and politics is problematised, Syrians are targeted. Enmity discourse against refugees is generated and existing prejudices are reinforced. |
September 18, 2024 |
18. Akşam, “TURKISH STANCE AGAINST GREEK CYPRIOT (RUM) SCOUNDRELS” The news report is about a banner opened by fans at a basketball game and the reaction of Panathinaikos Basketball Team coach Ergin Ataman to this banner. Describing the incidents with the expressions ‘despicable’ and ‘immoral’, the article attributes the actions of a group to the Greek Cypriot (Rum) identity. The expression ‘provocation’ used in the subtitle of the article associates the Greek Cypriot identity with violence. With the negative expression used in the title of the article, an ‘us and them’ opposition between Greek Cypriots and Turks is established, and the existing prejudices against Greek Cypriots are reinforced.
September 23, 2024 |
19. Yeni Asır, “ISRAEL ALSO RIGGED PAGERS AND RADIOS” The column focuses on an alleged Israeli attack on pagers and radios in Lebanon. The actions, which the author claims were organised by the Israeli army and intelligence, are attributed to Jewish identity with the expression ‘Jewish terrorism’ and Jews are associated with war. In the article, the Israeli people are portrayed as ‘murderous monsters’ and targeted. Through the use of negative adjectives, existing hostility towards Jews and Israelis is fueled. |
This project is financed by the European Union.