In the "Embroidering Memories" workshop, led by artist Damla Sandal, we will explore the everyday life, spaces, and people depicted in old photographs by embroidering on them.

We met at the Hrant Dink Foundation Festival of Co-existence on July 2-3, 2022 at Lütfi Kırdar Congress Center. You can watch the videos of the panels organized during the festival here.

You are invited to listen to the inspirational and unique stories of civil society organizations supported by the Hrant Dink Foundation’s Grant Program. #Ondemand ‘7 minutes with civil society’ is now on air.

After the screening of the documentary Ballad for Syria, the talk moderated by Evrim Hikmet Öğüt was held with the participation of director Eda Elif Tibet in Hrant Dink Foundation Anarad Hığutyun Building Havak Hall.

The panel discussion on the ways of using art as a healing and transforming instrument was held with the participation of Güneş Terkol, Evrim Hikmet Öğüt and Umut Sülün on Thursday, September 27, in Havak Hall. 

Gazeteciler, sanatçılar, oyun yazarları, STK temsilcileri, akademisyenler ve edebiyatçıların eşliğinde ve Peter Molnar’ın katılımıyla düzenlenen toplantıda nefret söylemi ve ayrımcılıkla mücadele pratikleri tartışıldı.

The panel 'Similar Discourses, New Methods in Turkey and Europe: Countering Hate Speech through Art and Performance' moderated by Zeynep Oral was held with the participation of Peter Molnar and İdil Engindeniz Şahan.

After the screening of the documentary Gacı Gibi (Hatewalk), the talk moderated by Yıldız Tar from Kaos GL was held with the participation of director Serkan Çiftçi and Berfin Kılıç, who is featured in the documentary.

After the screening, the talk was moderated by Şenay Özden, and the director İbrahim Yeşilbaş, the coordinator Yılmaz Delen and the actor Jwan Abdo talked about their experiences during and after the shooting.

After the screening of Buçuk (The Half) documentary directed by Elmas Arus and Haluk Arus, a talk with the director Elmas Arus was held, which was moderated by Roman Medya team member Pınar Sayan.

The discussion on popular culture, TV series sector, discrimination and representation was held with the participation of Tomris Giritlioglu, Gaye Boralıoğlu and Nilgün Öneş, who have accomplished many works in the sector.

The panel on the ways in which literature forms a new language took place under the moderation of Karin Karakaşlı and with the participation of authors Ayfer Tunç and Kemal Varol.

In the first event of the ASULIS, with the contribution of Ebru Nihan Celkan, Melek Özman and Ahmet Sami Özbudak, how theatre and cinema can be used as a tool for combatting against discrimination was discussed.

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