Within August July 1-7, 2019, three articles that generate hate speech were selected from print media. You can find these articles that contain hate speech against LGBTIs as well as the analyses written about them below.1


Milat, 04 July 2019

Ufuk Coşkun, in his column titled “Background of LGBT threat”, discusses the support for LGBTI+ Pride Week activities. Coşkun claims that LGBTI individuals are a part of a project aiming to “reducing the world population: “In 1952, David Rockefeller founded the Population Council exactly for this purpose. Their project of spreading homosexuality through LGBT should be considered in this regard.” Thus, the labels LGBTI individuals as “threat” against society because of their sexual orientation and gender identities. Claiming that the project in question aims to “establish a new world order”, Coşkun writes: “In this sense, homosexuality is a micro plan for changing the order. Look at the children in our country, LGBT institutions instill homosexuality in the guise of ‘combating discrimination, raising awareness of hate speech, informing about gender equality’.” Thus, the labels LGBTI identities as a “threat” against society, and discredits and targets LGBTI activists’ works against discrimination and hate speech.


Türkgün, 02 July 2019

Mustafa Önder, in his column titled “How, can perversion have pride?”, discusses LGBTI+ Pride Week activities and solidarity messages for them. In the title and throughout the column, he repeatedly defines LGBTI identities as “pervert” and labels them as a “threat” against society. Önder discredits LGBTI individuals’ pride resistance and support for it with the following remarks: “On Sunday, all parties from IP to Y-CHP and HDP-KK celebrated this anomaly. It is the so-called ‘pride day’ of sexual perverts! They almost made a toast with their rainbow-colored messages! With their support, LGBT managed to popularize their activities in Turkey… Besides, this coalition of contempt gets close to them for a couple of votes, they have even quota for them.” He also writes: “Perverts are hiding behind LGBT consisting of first letters of ‘lesbian’, ‘gay’, ‘bisexual’, and ‘transgender’… It is contracted through the West’s so-called egalitarian immorality… Dynamite to the spiritual climate of Muslim Turkey… They poison our family structure and youth. These inglorious ones appear in metropolises, in certain places. Think about the danger posed by the disgusting banner carried during Ramadan month and read ‘Ramazan cannot stop the love between Şaban and Recep’. Can the morals and faith of an honorable nation accept this perversion talking about pride?” With these remarks, he sees LGBTI individuals as a threat against “morals of honorable nations” and targets LGBTIs.



Kayseri Yenidoğan, 02 July 2019

The article published in Kayseri Yenidoğan with the title “LGBT is a perversion, not a disease” reports author Furkan Yılmaz Altunöz’s statements about some municipalities’ support to LGBTI+ Pride Week. Furkan Yılmaz’s statements defining LGBTI individuals as “pervert” are used in the title without quotation marks. Thus, the article labels LGBTI individuals as a “threat” against society because of their sexual orientation and gender identity and targets them.

1. Within the scope of the media monitoring work focusing on hate speech, all national newspapers and around 500 local newspapers are monitored based on pre-determined keywords (e.g. Traitor, apostate, refugee, Christian, Jewish, separatist, etc.) via the media monitoring center. While the main focus has been hate speech on the basis of national, ethnic and religious identities; sexist and homophobic discourses are also examined as part of the monitoring work.