The online talk on "Creative methods for a new discourse: Karma Motion collective and storytelling" moderated by Neslihan Koyuncu was held on Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 16:00. Independent documentary filmmaker and anthropologist Eda Elif Tibet and musician Enzo Ikah from Karma Motion collective, the directors of the documentary “Refugee Here I Am” were the speakers of online talk. In the online talk, the role of creative methods in combating prejudices and discrimination against refugees, and the power of storytelling to create a new dialogue were discussed.

Eda Elif Tibet started her speech by talking about her artistic productions and continued with explaining the needs behind the creation of the Karma Motion collective. By explaining the story of the documentary "Refugee Here I Am", Tibet said that they aimed to create a healing environment by emphasizing human rights with their work.

Enzo Ikah started his talk by narrating his childhood spent in various countries and continued with his long journey as a refugee which ended up in Turkey. He mentioned the story of the creation of Karma Motion collective and emphasized that he aimed to show the life of refugees with the documentary “Refugee Here I Am”.

In the online talk, the trailers of documentaries made by Karma Motion collective were presented and Enzo Ikah performed a mini concert and sang a song.

Video in English