Through critical discourse analysis, we analyzed news articles and columns that contain hate speech targeting national, ethnic, and religious identity groups and LGBTI+ people in print media in January, February, and March 2024. You can access news clippings and detailed analyses at "Our Selections from January, February, and March".
In Turkish print media within the months of January, February and March;
- Responsibility for the acts committed by a group was attributed to Jewish identity using negative references and Jews were associated with aggression.
- Homophobic discourse targeting gender identity and sexual orientation groups was generated by depicting LGBTI+ people as a 'threat' to youth, family, and social structure.
- Armenian identity was targeted with negative expressions that reinforced hostility and polarization between societies in news articles covering historical events.
- In news articles covering historical and current events, Greek Cypriot (Rum) identity was pointed out as responsible for the violence.
- In news reports on past agreements and forced migration policies, Greek identity was mentioned in negative terms that reinforced hostility.
- Refugees were targeted by hate speech by stating that they constitute a potential 'danger' in news articles where their visibility was problematized.
1. Aydınlık, "LGBT imposition demanded to be banned" |
2. Çorum Haber, "You're getting Arabized, my friend" The column focuses on the author's views on social events in Turkey, the implementation of state policies, and the public reaction to these issues. The author claims that public opinion remains unresponsive to the decisions taken on social, economic, and political issues and reports that there is public sensitivity only regarding religious issues. However, identity is targeted while conveying these criticisms. The author characterizes the criticisms as 'Arabization' and creates a hierarchical relationship between Turkish and Arab identities. Through the use of Arab identity as an element of denigration existing prejudices against Arab identity are fueled. |
January 3, 2024 |
3. Doğru Haber, "British puppets in action" The column conveys the author's views on the attack on a participant in a march in support of Palestine and the reactions to the incident. The author characterizes the perpetrator of the violent act as a 'west-lover' and points to identities as responsible for the attack. British and Jewish identities are associated with violence and used as an element of insult and hostility. With the emphasis on identity in the headline, the column portrays the British as a potential danger. In this way, existing hostility against the British and Jews is fueled. |
January 9, 2024 |
January 12, 2024
5. Çanakkale Kalem, "May stones fall on your head as bad as Gypsies!" The news article reports the response of Çanakkale Fevzipaşa Neighborhood Mukhtar to a statement made by a journalist on a program. However, the journalist's statements are carried to the headline without using quotation marks and the identity is targeted. The journalist uses the term 'gypsy' to denigrate the Romany identity in the statement. Since the journalist's statements are quoted without quotation marks, hate speech is reproduced. In this way, existing prejudices against Romanys are reinforced. |
January 12, 2024
6. Tünaydın, "Ottomans and Armenians The History of a Rebellion and Counter-Movement" The column is about the book and its author, which deals with the historical development of the rebellions in the Ottoman Empire between 1878 and 1915. The author quotes from the book, which blames identity for the violence in the Ottoman period. However, these excerpts are quoted without quotation marks. The use of excerpts from the book without quotation marks leads to the reproduction of hate speech. Through the use of negative expressions, Armenian identity is associated with violence and pointed out as a threat. Existing hostility towards Armenians is reinforced. |
January 16,2024 |
7. Giresun Gündem, "GREEK-ARMENIAN COLLABORATION IN THE BLACK SEA" The column conveys the post-war foreign policy decisions of the Ottoman State after the Armistice of Mudros. In its headline and text, the column targets identities with negative expressions while conveying the political decisions made between states. Through historical narratives, the responsibility for state policies is attributed to American, Russian, Armenian, and Greek identities. By associating them with violence, the existing enemy perception of Americans, Russians, Armenians, and Greeks is reinforced. |
January 15, 2024 |
8. Milat, "German genociders support Jewish genociders" The news reports that the Government of Germany supported Israel at the International Court of Justice and the Namibian Presidency made a statement on the issue. In the statement in question, it is stated that Germany does not take responsibility for the rights violations and violence on Namibian territory. In the headline, the responsibility for state policies is attributed to identities. While the German identity is pointed to as responsible for the Namibian Genocide, the responsibility for Israel's actions in Gaza is attributed to the Jewish identity. German and Jewish identities are associated with violence by using negative references. In this way, existing prejudices and hostility against Germans and Jews are reinforced. |
January 22, 2024 |
9. İstiklal Gazetesi, "JEWS ATTACK PALESTINIAN SETTLEMENTS" The news reports on violence in a Palestinian farming area in the West Bank city. The text of the news reports that two Palestinians were injured as a result of attacks carried out by a group and that the group tried to steal the sheep of the farmers. However, in the headline, the responsibility for the actions of a group is generalized to identity. In the headline, Jewish identity is associated with violence and targeted. The perception that Jews pose a 'threat' is reinforced. In this way, existing prejudices and hostility against Jews are reinforced. |
January 24, 2024 |
10. Yeni Akit, "British seize Muslims' money" The news article is based on an interview with a lawyer working in the banking and finance sector in the UK. The lawyer's views are conveyed on the "de-banking" practice, which is increasingly used in the banking sector in the UK after 2020 and means that banks close their customers' accounts because they can no longer operate them. In the lawyer's statement, the lawyer claims that this practice in the UK is mostly applied against the Muslim community. However, the remarks in the lawyer's statement are carried to the headline of the news article without using quotation marks. The headline targets identity and reinforces the perception that the British pose a 'threat' to Muslims. In this way, a hierarchy is created between the two identities, and polarization between communities is fueled. Existing prejudices and hostility towards the British identity increased. |
January 23, 2024 |
11. Son-an, "LGBT=HUMANITY'S GENOCIDE" The column conveys the author's views on the gender equality policies of the Netherlands. While criticizing the policies, the author targets LGBTI+ identity through homophobic expressions. It is claimed that the volcano eruption in Pompeii, Italy was caused by sexual orientation and gender identity groups. LGBTI+ people are associated with 'perversion' and labeled as a 'threat' to the structure of society. In this way, existing prejudices and perceptions of hostility towards LGBTI+ people are reinforced. |
![]() January 25, 2024 |
12. Sancaktepe News, "LGBT Plague-4" The column conveys the author's views on family structure. The inclusion of sexual orientation and gender groups as characters in television series is criticized and the visibility of LGBTI+ people is problematized. It is stated that this situation poses a 'threat' to the family structure. It is also claimed that Jews support the visibility of LGBTI+ people in TV series and that through this, Jews target the family structure. by hostilizing Jews and LGBTI+ people, existing prejudices against identities are fueled. |
January 26, 2024 |
13. Gülkent Gazetesi, "We are not Enemies of Arabs, we are Enemies of Asylum-Seekers" The news report is based on an interview with the provincial chairperson of a political party. In the statement, the provincial chairperson criticizes the claim that credit support will be given to businesses that employ people who migrated to Turkey. It is also pointed to refugees as responsible for the demographic change and unfavorable economic conditions in Turkey and claimed that they benefit from rights that are not granted to Turkish citizens. In the text of the article and the headline, the statements of the provincial chairperson are quoted without quotation marks, and refugee identity is targeted. The existence of refugees is pointed out as a potential element of 'danger'. by the use of negative expressions, existing prejudices, and hostility against refugees are fueled. |
January 31, 2024 |
14. Yeni Akit, "Jews continue to block trucks at the border" The news claims that Israeli government officials blocked the entry of humanitarian aid vehicles into the Gaza Strip and that a group of people organized demonstrations to prevent the entry of the vehicles. The headline and the text of the article point to identities as responsible for these obstructions. Responsibility for the group's actions and state policies is attributed to Jewish and Israeli identities. Through the use of negative adjectives, Jews are portrayed as enemies, and existing prejudices are fueled.
January 31, 2024 |
15. Yeni Akit, "Greek persecution continues on the 101st anniversary of the exchange" The news report focuses on the views of the head of an association regarding the deportation and forced migration policies that Turkey and Greece subjected their citizens to as a result of the agreement between Turkey and Greece. While reporting the views of the head of the association that Turks in Greece do not have access to rights, Greek identity is targeted. With the emphasis on identity in the headline of the article, Greeks are associated with 'persecution'. In this way, hostility towards Greeks is reinforced.
February 2, 2024 |
16. Yeni Akit, "Jews cut down hundreds of trees in the West Bank" The news article reports that a group in the city of Nablus cut down a Palestinian farmer's olive and almond trees. The text also includes the Palestinian farmer's statement about the incident. In the statement, the Palestinian farmer explains the continuity of the attacks by settlers. However, while the news content states that a group carried out the action, the headline targets identity. The responsibility for the actions of one group is attributed to the whole identity and Jews are associated with violence. In this way, prejudices against Jews are reinforced. |
February 5, 2024 |
February 13, 2024 |
18. Aksaray 68 Haber, "71 soldiers martyred by Armenians in Sivas commemorated"
February 22, 2024 |
19. Diriliş Postası, "Greek Cypriot (Rum) tyranny" The news reports that eight TRNC citizens were allegedly attacked in the Troodos region of the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus. It is also reported that the group was carrying Greek flags. No source is given for the allegation. The headline and the text emphasize identity even though it is not related to the crime. The actions of a group are attributed to the Greek Cypriot (Rum) identity. Furthermore, with the use of negative adjectives in the headline, Rum identity is associated with violence and targeted. In this way, the perception that Rums pose a 'threat' to Turks is reinforced, and hostility towards Rums is fueled.
February 23, 2024 |
20. Günboyu, "A book like a slap to Armenian lies"
February 27, 2024 |
21. Doğru Haber, "Rampaging Jews Raid and Rite at Al-Aqsa Mosque" The report claims that a group raided the Al-Aqsa Mosque and performed a ritual. It is reported that the incident was learned through some eyewitnesses, but the source is not provided. Additionally, Israel's policies in East Jerusalem are also mentioned. In the headline, the entire identity is held responsible for the actions of one group. By emphasizing identity, Jews are associated with violence. In this way, the existing perception of hostility towards Jews is reinforced and hate speech against Jewish identity is generated.
February 28, 2024 |
22. Anayurt, "A disgrace to humanity: Khojaly Massacre - Genocide" The column focuses on the rights violations in Khojaly on February 26, 1992. In the text, the responsibility for the acts of violence committed by a group is attributed to identity. Armenian identity is pointed to as responsible for the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan and the policies of the state, and Armenians are associated with acts of violence. In this way, existing prejudices and hostility towards Armenians are reinforced. |
February 29, 2024 |
March 7, 2024 |
24. Vizyon, "Greek Cypriot (Rum) Separatism Workshop Held" The news article mentions a workshop organized by Ordu University, the Governorship, and the Metropolitan Municipality. In addition to the governor, the mayor, and the rector, it is stated that academics, public institution employees, and students attended the workshop. The title of the workshop is 'Workshop on Greek Cypriot (Rum) Discrimination in the World War I and National Struggle Years' and this name is emphasized in the headline of the news article. The rights violations and rebellions committed by groups in the Black Sea region during the war years are described. However, with the name of the workshop, the responsibility for the actions of the groups is attributed to all Rums. With the phrase 'Rum Separatism' in the headline of the news article, this discourse is reproduced and the Rum identity is portrayed as an enemy and targeted.
March 14, 2024 |
25. Doğru Haber, "Ramadan, the Month of the Quran"
March 14, 2024 |
26. Milat, "Liberation Enthusiasm in Erzurum" The news report covers a ceremony in Erzurum and the speeches made during the ceremony. While reporting the statement made by the mayor at the ceremony, the identity is pointed out and targeted. In World War 1, the responsibility for the violence in and around Erzurum is generalized to Armenian identity. Armenians are associated with 'cruelty' and 'violence'. In this way, prejudices and hostility against Armenians are fueled. |
March 27, 2024 |
27. Yeni Mesaj, "Jews have no limits in cruelty" The report claims that Jewish settlers are dumping their wastewater on Palestinian lands. Citing the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, the article reports that a large portion of the wastewater produced in Jewish settlements in the West Bank enters the soil and threatens human health. However, the article and the headline blame all Jews for this action. With the use of negative expressions such as "occupier" and "has no limits in brutality", the article associates identity with violence and generates hate speech against Jews.
March 22, 2024 |
28. "Yeni Akit, "Ekrem has entrusted nurseries to deviants" The column criticizes the IMM Mayor for establishing a "Gender Equality Branch Directorate". It also makes homophobic accusations against some of the employees employed by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. Adjectives such as "LGBTI lover" and "pervert" are used against these people who started working in IMM and hate speech is generated against LGBTI+ identity. In the headline, the existence of LGBTI+ people is portrayed as a 'threat' to children, thus existing prejudices and hostility towards LGBTI+ people are reinforced. |
March 20, 2024 |
29. Kastamonu Açıksöz, "Hamas has scratched the charisma of the Israeli army" The column describes the Israeli army's violent actions in Palestine. It is mentioned that what is happening is genocide and no country or institution has been able to stop it. While describing the rights violations, the responsibility for the army's actions is attributed to the entire Jewish people with the expression 'Jewish genocide'. Jewish identity is associated with violence. Thus, prejudices against Jews are fueled and war discourse is generated. |
March 22, 2024 |
30. Sözcü, " Invasion out loud!"
This project is financed by the European Union.