Within February 11-17, 2019, three articles that generate hate speech were selected from print media. You can find these articles that contain hate speech against Armenians, LGBTIs, non-Muslims, Jews and the British as well as the analyses written about them below. 1
1.![]() Muhammed Gürcan, in his column titled “Some accounts from Armenian atrocities in Van -2”, reinforces the past sentiments of enmity against Armenians by using provoking depictions repeatedly as we see in the following sentences: “Again in this village, Armenians put several Muslim kids into piles of turf and then set it on fire; they burned these poor innocent children alive (…)”, “Armenians set aside children under the age of 15 and then killed them with bayonets” and “An Armenian took our neighbor Firdevs’ son and martyred him by breaking him half through his legs”. The columnist demonizes Armenians with remarks containing elements of enmity and hatred, fomenting enmity between peoples. |
2.![]() The article published in Yeni Akit with the title “Akit disallowed perverts” reports the findings of “2018 Media Monitoring Report” focusing on LGBTIs issued by KAOS GL. In the article, LGBTIs are represented as perverts and labeled as a “threat” against society due to their sexual orientations and gender identities as we see in the following sentences: “It is understood that Akit is the only media outlet that stands against LGBTI perversion fed by German foundations and dirty money of Soros” and “Issued by LGBTI homos who are not represented in the society but try to impose their perversion, the report states that a total of 1579 articles, interviews and columns have been published in 2018. Giving a broad coverage to our newspaper, the report states that we published 111 articles that expose filthy activities of the perverts”. Thus, the newspaper represents LGBTIs as “enemy” and causes normalization and spread of discrimination and violence to which they are subjected. |
3.![]() Erem Şentürk, in his column titled “Muslims, don’t provoked by gas companies”, uses the word “giaour, which is used an expression of hatred and insult against non-Muslims in Turkey as we see in the following remark: “They tried every trick to divide us, but these people set aside their differences and come together when there is a serious issue despite all the efforts and money spent to affect them. This unnerves the giaour. They have been buying newspapers, academics, authors, poets, scholars for years; they spent all that money and made great efforts, when they said ‘We did it, we finally divided them’, everybody united on July 15”. Thus, he represents non-Muslims as a “threat” against and “enemy” of Muslims. He also represents Jews and the British as a threat against “Turkey” and provokes the reader as we see in the following sentence: “We must initiate awareness works and take precautions immediately. But we have to do this without playing into the hands the British and Jews; we have to write what we should read without reading their writings.” |
1. Within the scope of the media monitoring work focusing on hate speech, all national newspapers and around 500 local newspapers are monitored based on pre-determined keywords (e.g. Traitor, apostate, refugee, Christian, Jewish, separatist, etc.) via the media monitoring center. While the main focus has been hate speech on the basis of national, ethnic and religious identities; sexist and homophobic discourses are also examined as part of the monitoring work.