ournalists and reporters from A1 TV, Ankakh Weekly, Arm News TV, AZG Daily, H1 Public TV of Armenia, Kentron TV, Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine, Shant TV Gyumri, The Armenian Reporter and The Armenian Weekly visited Turkey.

The conference Sealed Gate: Prospects of the Turkey-Armenia Border organised by the Hrant Dink Foundation and Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Economics was held in Ankara on November 22-23, 2014.

We are delighted to announce that the Hrant Dink Foundation will be offering support in the form of a travel grant to a total of 45 individuals – 29 from Turkey, 16 from Armenia – for their visits to the neighbouring country.

A group of 9 journalists from Turkey visited Armenia from July 14th to 20th, 2014 in the sixth year of the Turkey-Armenia Journalists’ Dialogue Programme, organised by the Hrant Dink Foundation since 2009. 

The Fellowship Scheme will offer 18 professionals from Armenia and Turkey the opportunity to live and follow a special programme at a specific Host Organisation in the neighbouring country for 4 to 8 months.

We are delighted to announce that the Hrant Dink Foundation will be offering support in the form of a travel grant to a total of 51 individuals – 34 from Turkey, 17 from Armenia – for their visits to the neighbouring country.

We are delighted to announce that the Hrant Dink Foundation will be offering support in the form of a travel grant to a total of 29 individuals – 22 from Turkey, 7 from Armenia – for their visits to the neighbouring country.

In the fifth year of the programme,  7 participants from Armenia were invited to Turkey to take part in a one-week programme in Istanbul and Diyarbakır to gain a better understanding of the country.

A consortium of eight civil society organisations from Turkey and Armenia presented the EU-funded programme Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process  in Ankara at TEPAV conference room.

You can discover Kars and Gyumri from the eyes of the photographers from Turkey and Armenia and you can take an incomparable journey with five multimedia documentaries which each of them are around 4 to 8 minutes.

"Beyond Waiting" captures the daily lives of people in the border cities Kars and Gyumri as well as the years of interrupted dialogue.The five multimedia documentaries will be open for visitors at the European Parliament in Brussels.

Hrant Dink Foundation, YIC Youth Initiative Centre in Gyumri, Galata Fotoğrafhanesi and Free Press Unlimited are jointly holding the multimedia exhibition 'Beyond Waiting… Stories from Turkey-Armenia Border' in Gyumri.