Metropolitan Mayor of İstanbul Ekrem İmamoğlu has visited "23.5 Hrant Dink Site of Memory" on Thursday, January 2nd. İmamoğlu penned the note "Everything will be fine, definitely" to the message board in memory of Dink.

Permanent workshops that are organized within the scope of the public programs of the 23.5 Hrant Dink site of Memory continue each month and the dates of each workshop can be followed via our website. You can find the workshop dates in December through the links below. Workshops in English will also be carried out in the following months. 

Permanent workshops that are organized within the scope of the public programs of the 23.5 Hrant Dink site of Memory continue each month and the dates of each workshop can be followed via our website. You can find the workshop dates in January through the links below. Workshops in English will also be carried out in the following months. 

Permanent workshops that are organized within the scope of the public programs of the 23.5 Hrant Dink site of Memory continue each month and the dates of each workshop can be followed via our website. You can find the workshop dates in November through the links below. Workshops in English will also be carried out in the following months. 

Permanent workshops that are organized within the scope of the public programs of the 23.5 Hrant Dink site of Memory continue each month and the dates of each workshop, which are held in Turkish, can be followed via our website. You can find the workshop dates in April through the links below.