The book of photographs We are All Hrant Dink which is also the Hrant Dink Foundation’s first activity in this field, is a work that has collected the photographs selected from the thousands of frames shot between 19-23 January 2007.

Please click here for detailed information about the book.

Hrant Dink never had a published book. He, too, used to make fun of this and say, "I am a writer without a book." Of course, this joke also points to an important fact: Hrant was a true man of action. However, as the founder and chief editor of Agos, he contributed to the democratization process of Turkey as he developed discourses and actions on the most deeply-rooted problems of Turkey, including, most significantly, Turkish-Armenian relations.

Please click here for detailed information about the book.

Please click here for Two Close Peoples Two Distant Neighbours' book Western Armenian translation

 Please click here for Two Close Peoples Two Distant Neighbours' book Turkish translation.

Türkiyeliyim... Ermeniyim... İliklerime kadar da Anadoluluyum. Bir gün dahi olsa, ülkemi terkedip, geleceğimi Batı denilen o 'hazır özgürlükler cenneti'nde kurmayı, başkalarının bedeller ödeyerek yarattıkları demokrasilere, sülük misali yamanmayı düşünmedim.

Please click here for detailed information about the book.

Türkiyeliyim... Ermeniyim... İliklerime kadar da Anadoluluyum. Bir gün dahi olsa, ülkemi terkedip, geleceğimi Batı denilen o 'hazır özgürlükler cenneti'nde kurmayı, başkalarının bedeller ödeyerek yarattıkları demokrasilere, sülük misali yamanmayı düşünmedim. 

Please click here for detailed information about the book.