Edited by

Vahakn Keshishian, Koray Löker, Mehmet Polatel


Turkish, English


Ayşe Aksakal, Aret Can Bal, Kate Ferguson, Betül Kadıoğlu, Cansu Yapıcı, Altuğ Yılmaz

1st edition - September 2018
127 Pages

In tracing the roots of Adana's Armenian community, this book reveals the multicultural heritage of the city. Located in the heart of the rich Çukurova valley which extends between the Taurus Mountains and Mediterranean, it can only be understood in the context of the multicultural heritage.

The content of this book is comprised of the results of research conducted about Adana by Hrant Dink Foundation. We hope that the information presented here interests not only researchers and history enthusiasts, but anyone who wants to learn more about Adana. 

In presenting our findings, we also mention the challenges we had and the impressions we gained during the research process of the cultural heritage faced by the threat of being forgotten. By this we aim to contribute the methodological discussions used in researching similar topics.

Book name
Adana with Its Armenian Cultural Heritage
Ermeni Kültür Varlıklarıyla Adana
230 mm
310 mm
600 gr
1st edition - September 2018
Turkish, English
Edited by
Vahakn Keshishian, Koray Löker, Mehmet Polatel
Ayşe Aksakal, Aret Can Bal, Kate Ferguson, Betül Kadıoğlu, Cansu Yapıcı, Altuğ Yılmaz
English proofreading
Sarah Atkinson, Kate Ferguson, Raffi Ouzounian
Project coordinators
Lebriz İsvan, Nagehan Uskan
Book and cover design
Sera Dink
Graphics application
Erge Yeksan
Front cover photo
Vahka Monastery, Feke
Front flap photo:
Students of Ashkhenian School
Back flap photo
Agner Monastery, Aladağ
Color separation and printing
Mas Matbaacılık
  • Contents
    • Introduction
    • A glimpse into Adana's multicultural heritage
  • Part I - Adana cultural heritage inventory
    • Inventory research and fieldwork: Notes on metholodolgy
    • Inventory
  • Paty II - Memory and cultural heritage
    • A walk through forgotten streets: Adana memory tour
    • A cultural heritage reuse case:
      Apkarian School, Nuri Has Arcade
    • Indigenous production landscapes of Aladağ
  • Bibliography and index
    • Bibliography
    • Index