The project named “Let’s Take a Look Through Our Conscience” invites everyone around the globe, amateur or professional filmmakers, to take to display the different faces of conscience via short films. The project, which invites everyone to make a film of maximum 5 minutes about a topic which touches their conscience, was initiated in 2009 and the first term was finished in 2010. 107 films were submitted to the website, prepared especially for this project between August 1, 2009-Marh 31, 2010. More than sixty thousand people visited the website from all over the world, thousands voted the films, and posted comments on the conscience topics.

The films will be shown on the web portal for public viewing and evaluation. The films elected by the jury of the previous year and detailed information about the project can be found on the website. The jury, consisting of Costa Gavras, Georges Moustaki, Harutyun Khachatryan, İbrahim Betil, Lale Mansur, Nebahat Akkoç, Ömer Madra, Rakel Dink, Rela Mazali, Serge Avedikian, Serra Yılmaz, Vaughan Pilikian and Yıldırım Türker voted for the films and the results were announced on July 1st 2010 on the website.

You can reach the DVDs of Films About Conscience at Hrant Dink Foundation.