Turkey Cultural Heritage Map is a product of cultural heritage research in the Hrant Dink Foundation. With an update in November 2018, new multimedia content is placed next to the 10.000 cultural heritage sites.

The study on Armenian cultural heritage of Kayseri, Adana and Sivas followed a participatory approach and was carried out between 2016 and 2018 with the support of the European Delegation and the Chrest Foundation.

Hrant Dink Foundation's 2015-2016 project, Revealing and Advocating Multicultural Heritage of Anatolia traces the cultural heritage of Armenian, Greek, Jewish and Syriac communities in Turkey.

Methodological notes from the Sivas research and fieldwork. This study, which covers Sivas city and the modern province, is at the same time part of the Turkey Cultural Heritage research.

Methodological notes from the Adana research and fieldwork. This study, which covers Adana city and the modern province, is at the same time part of the Turkey Cultural Heritage research.

Hrant Dink Foundation's two year research on the cultural heritage of Kayseri's Develi district, Sivas and Adana provinces was published as three separate books. The findings of the research were introduced in the Havak Hall.

On the 2000 kilometer rail of the Eastern Express, Turkey Cultural Heritage Map has more than 500 sites. We share a few examples here, thinking that the Eastern Express is a cultural heritage journey at the same time.

To observe the cultural diversification of Sivas, one needs to travel from Suşehri to Şarkışla, from Hafik to Gürün and from Yıldızeli to Zara. As we researched the last witnesses of the old Sivas, we looked for creative reuse in Divriği.

Unlike most of the rest of Turkey, Armenians continued to live in Develi till the 1970s. By our research on the cultural heritage of Develi, we aimed at finding ways of reviving the memory and uncovering the culture of the area.

Adana is one of the locations we work in the scope of the project Adaptive and Creative Reuse of Sites of Memory. The fieldwork that covered center of Adana and Aladağ, shed light on cultural heritage in urban and rural environments.

Alex Krikorian’s Hishadag Everek-Feneseyi (Memory of Everek-Fenese) covers a wide timespan and various topics. We used this source to understand the 19th century Armenian schools in Everek and Fenese.

History and cultural heritage teams at the Hrant Dink Foundation are having oral history workshops. The oral history archive will be used in Foundation’s publications and will be archived with resarch standards.

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