The grantees which will be supported by Hrant Dink Foundation Empowering CSO’s Grant Program 2019-2021 have been announced.

The grant program aims to support the empowerment of human rights and democracy in Turkey, the protection of rights and freedoms and promotion of conviviality among different ethnic, social and political groups through mutual understanding, dialogue and building of trust.

In total 148 organizations from 29 cities, working in the fields of human rights, children, youth, minority rights, disabled rights, ecology and urban studies, migration and refugee rights, cultural studies, empowering civil society, gender and women’s rights, have applied to the grant program and as a result of the evaluation of the independent selection committee, 1.199.617,17 Euro grant will be awarded to 15 projects from Ankara, Bitlis, Diyarbakır, Hakkari, İstanbul, İzmir and Kars.

This project is funded by European Union.