Fact-Checking Workshop
Date: 11 June, Saturday
Hours: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Place: Hrant Dink Foundation
Anarad Hığutyun Building, Papa Roncalli St. 128 Harbiye / Istanbul

*Workshop held in Turkish language

With the workshop that will be organized with the leadership of Doğruluk Payı, we aim to introduce the participants basic concepts of media literacy at the beginner level, and methods and tools for fact-checking at the practical level and, to enhance their abilities in the proper use of tools which struggling disinformation and hate speech in social media.

Workshop participation is limited to 15 people. The duration of the workshop is 4 hours. Please, fill out the application form to participate in the workshop.


13:00 – 13:30 → Presentation of Hrant Dink Foundation, Project and Doğruluk Payı
13:30 –14:00 → Making Sense of Information Disorder
14:00 – 14:15 → Break
14:15 – 15:15 → Ways of Being Conscious Media Literate I
15:15 – 15:30 → Break
15:30 – 17:00 → Ways of Being Conscious Media Literate II

*Tea/coffee will be served throughout the program.


During the workshop,
1. Recognizing actors, motivations, and ways of persuading in misinformation production
2. Detecting types and different forms of information disorder
3. Understanding relation between the hate speech and misinformation
4. Understanding fact-checking methods and progress
5. Identifying evaluation frames and tools that used in the administration of fact-checking

This workshop will take place within the scope of the project titled “Utilizing Digital Technology by Increasing Cooperation, Exchange and Solidarity for Social Cohesion, Positive Messaging and Peace” funded by the European Union.


Cansu Yılmaz

was born in 1998 in Istanbul. After completing her high school education at Sankt Georg Austrian High School in 2017, she studied Sociology at Middle East Technical University for a year. After her first year at METU, she transferred to Istanbul Bilgi University and started her Sociology and Economics double major program. She graduated in 2022 as the top-scoring student in both of her majors. She previously completed accounting and finance-related internships while she was studying at the university. Cansu continues to work as the reporter and the editor at İzlemedeyiz Derneği, Doğruluk Payı; which she joined as an editorial intern in April 2020.

Koray Kaplıca

is one of the co-founders of Doğruluk Payı, Turkey's first fact-checking platform, and has been working as the chief editor of the platform since 2020. After graduating from Bilkent University in 2010, Kaplıca continued his education at Koç and Boğaziçi University and currently works as a teaching assistant at Marmara University.  With 8-year experience in the fact checking field, Kaplıca continues to teach and prepare training content on fact checking for different platforms.

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