Within April 24-30, 2017, three news articles that generate hate speech had been selected for the weekly report. You can find these articles that generate hate speech against Jews, Syrians and Armenians and the analyses below.1
1.![]() In Yeni Söz newspaper's headline story titled “It will be the undoing of Europe”, George Soros' Jewish identity is emphasized in a negative way, as it can be seen on the top of the headline: “Financial hitman, putschist, plotter Jewish Soros”. In this way, the newspaper escalates prejudices against Jews and labels the Jewish identity as “an element of threat”. Yeni Söz gazetesinin manşetten verdiği, “Avrupa’nın sonunu getirecek” başlıklı haberde, başlığın üzerinde yer alan, “Finansal tetikçi, darbeci, entrikacı Yahudi Soros” ifadesinde olduğu gibi George Soros’un Yahudi kimliğine olumsuz bir bağlamda vurgu yapılıyor. Gazete böylece, Yahudilere yönelik önyargıların körüklenmesine ve Yahudi kimliğinin bir ‘tehdit unsuru’ olarak konumlandırılmasına neden oluyor. |
2.![]() Yeni Asır newspaper's article titled “Torturer Syrians are caught”, which is about a criminal event, covers a singular incident by highlighting the national identity of the suspects, though it is not directly related to the particular incident. In this way, Syrians are labeled as potential threat through a singular event, associated with crime and targeted. |
3.![]() Star newspaper, in the article title “The real massacre was carried out by Armenians against us”, uses the statement by Ali Erdinç in the title without quotation marks. The newspaper affirms and spreads a discourse that associates Armenians with massacre and incites hatred between peoples. |
1. Within the scope of the media scanning work focusing on hate speech, all national newspapers and around 500 local newspapers are scanned based on pre-determined keywords (e.g. Traitor, apostate, refugee, Christian, Jewish, separatist, etc.) by the media monitoring center. While the main focus has been hate speech on the basis of national, ethnic and religious identities; sexist and homophobic discourses are also examined as part of the monitoring work.