Using critical discourse analysis, we evaluated news articles and columns that were published in Turkey’s national and local press in September 2023 that targeted national, ethnic, and religious identities, LGBTI+ and women. You may access news clippings and detailed analysis at “Hate Speech in the Press: Our Selections from September”.
In Turkish print media within the month of September;
- In news articles covering the developments in Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenians were associated with violence and mentioned in terms that reinforced hostility.
- Greek identity was characterized with negative terms and targeted by reinforcing prejudices in news reports on both historical and current events.
- Jews were labeled as 'aggressors' by attributing the responsibility for the actions of a group to their identity.
- LGBTI+ people were targeted through the use of stereotypical negative adjectives in news articles reporting on details of the Grand Family Gathering in Saraçhane and the claim that they pose a 'threat' to the family and society was reinforced.
- Refugees were associated with the terms 'invasion' and 'occupation' in news articles which presented their visibility in society as problematic.
1 September 2023 |
1. Akşam, "Arabs beat YPG members away" The news article focuses on clashes between tribes and YPG in Deir ez-Zor province of Syria. In the headline, the actions of the tribes are generalized to Arab identity which is associated with violence, and prejudices against Arabs are thus reinforced. |
2. Kocaeli Yeni Haber, "INVASION!" The column conveys the author's views on the demographic change in Turkey due to the presence of refugees. In the headline, the arrival of refugees in Turkey is labeled as an 'invasion' and their presence in society is described as causing 'disruption'. By reproducing disinformation that economic resources are being transferred to refugees, they are labeled as a social and economic 'threat'. The perception of hostility towards refugees is thus fueled. |
5 September 2023 |
3. Sözcü, "It is imperative to stop the refugee invasion!" The column refers to the presence of refugees and asylum-seekers in Turkey as an 'occupation'. Disinformation about refugees is reproduced and they are held responsible for social and economic problems. Without mentioning the inadequacy of policies on refugees, the perception that refugees pose a 'threat' is reinforced and hate speech is fueled. |
6 September 2023 |
4. Lider (Bursa), "Greeks have no respect for the living, let alone the grave!" The news article reports that gravestones were damaged in a Muslim cemetery in Greece and that those responsible could not be identified. In the headline, responsibility for the actions of a group is attributed to Greek identity. The negative expression in the headline creates the perception that these actions are continuous and predictable. Greek identity is targeted and prejudices against Greeks are reinforced. |
11 September 2023 |
5. Tünaydın, "Greek propaganda and distorted history" The news article reports on an academic’s assessment of the Greek Cypriots (Rums) living in the Ottoman Empire. The events between 1919 and 1922 are referred to as 'occupation' and the responsibility for the events is attributed to Rum identity. Additionally, Rum identity is associated with 'propaganda', claiming that historical events have been distorted. The perception of enmity against Rums is reinforced. |
6. Yeni Akit, "French arrogance mockery of the earthquake in Morocco!" The news article reports on a cartoon published in the French newspaper Liberation which criticizes Morocco not responding to France's offer of humanitarian aid after the earthquake. The story includes an academic's statements on the cartoon interpreting it within the context of current and historical relations between Morocco and France. In the headline, however, the statement in question is described as 'French arrogance'. As such, a term often used while producing hate speech is generalized to the identity and prejudices against the French are reinforced. |
17 September 2023 |
7. Diriliş Postası, "Armenian terror narrated in Vienna" The news article mentions a book launch held in Vienna for a book titled "Terror in Vienna", which discusses the attacks on three Turkish diplomats between 1975 and 1984. In the headline, the actions claimed to be organized by a group in the book are generalized to Armenian identity. As such, Armenian identity is associated with 'terrorism' and the perception that Armenians pose a 'threat' is reinforced. |
8. Yeni Akit, "WE CAN'T SACRIFICE THE FAMILY TO PERVERTS" The news article covers the "Grand Family Gathering", a demonstration organized against LGBTI+ people in Saraçhane Park in Istanbul. The existence of LGBTI+ people is portrayed as a 'threat' to the family structure, society, and children. By stating that the activities organized by LGBTI+ people should be banned, the article presents LGBTI+ people’s visibility and existence as problematic. Existing hostility is reinforced by negative expressions such as 'deviant movement ', 'propaganda' and 'imposition', which are frequently used in targeting LGBTI+ people. |
19 September 2023 |
9. Akşam, "Persian conspiracy" While commenting on relations between Turkey and Syria, the author of this column expresses distrust of Iran's policies regarding the development of such relations. However, in the headline, these concerns are generalized to Persian identity and characterized with the term 'conspiracy'. Persians are thus targeted by associating their identity with the negative expression. |
19 September 2023 |
10. Günboyu, "Jordan condemns Jewish raids" The news reports on the actions of a Jewish group that went to Al-Aqsa Mosque on the occasion of Rosh Hashanah. The group’s actions are generalized to Jewish identity in the headline and described as a 'raid'. Jewish identity is associated with the word 'raid' and labeled as a ‘threat’. In this way, prejudices against Jews are reinforced. |
19 September 2023 |
11. Günebakış, "Turkish families continue to resist against LGBT" The news article reports the statements of speakers at the “Grand Family Gathering”, a demonstration organized against LGBTI+ people in Saraçhane. In the story, LGBTI+ people and their existence are described with terms such as 'propaganda' and 'imposition'. While also including images of banners displayed at the gathering, LGBTI+ people are labeled as a ‘threat’ and hate speech against them is fueled.
![]() 24 September 2023 |
12. Diriliş Postası, "REACTION TO HINDU ARROGANCE" The news reports on statements allegedly made by an MP to Muslim MPs during a debate in the Indian parliament, labeling the statements as 'arrogance' in the headline. As such, the negative expression is generalized to Hindu identity and prejudices against Hindus are reinforced. |
24 September 2023 |
13. Türkgün, "New provocation in Karabakh ARMENIANS DO NOT BEHAVE" The news reports on fires in the city of Khankendi (Stepanakert) in Nagorno-Karabakh. The Azerbaijani Interior Ministry's statement on the issue claims that the fires were deliberately organized to destroy administrative archives. The story attributes the responsibility for the fires to Armenian identity. These incidents are labeled as 'provocations' in the headline. With the use of the phrase 'not behaving' in the headline, it is emphasized that the actions, which are generalized to Armenian identity, are continuous. As such, Armenian identity is portrayed as a 'threat' and hostility towards Armenians is incited. |
14. Doğru Haber, "Occupying Jews destroyed Al-Araqeeb for the 222nd time" The news reports on the destruction of the village of Al-Araqeeb in the Negev desert. The story quotes a member of the Committee for the Defense of Al-Araqeeb claiming that the village was burned down for the 222nd time, while holding certain groups responsible for the incidents. However, in the headline, responsibility for the events is attributed to Jewish identity which is associated with the term 'occupying'. The frequency of the action is emphasized and the perception that Jews pose a 'threat' is reinforced. By associating Jewish identity with ‘crime’, hostility towards Jews is reinforced. |
30 September 2023 |
15. Yeni Akit, "Armenians among us are disturbed by the victory in Karabakh" The column focuses on the war in Nagorno-Karabakh, comparing the events of the past few years. The presence of Armenians living in Karabakh is labeled as an 'occupation' and it is stated that 'Karabakh has been liberated'. Armenian identity is associated with the term 'occupation'. Posts about Armenians leaving their homeland due to the war are criticized. In the article and the headline, the people and institutions that shared the posts are characterized with the expression 'Armenians among us'. Armenians are targeted with various expressions in which Armenian identity is used as an insult. |
This project is financed by the European Union.