Within May 27-June 2 2019, four articles that generate hate speech were selected from print media. You can find these articles that contain hate speech against Jews, Greeks and Westerners as well as the analyses written about them below.1
1.The article published in Güneş with the title “Greeks tormented again” covers the story of three refugees who tried to go to Europe. In the article, it is claimed that Greek police used violence against refugees and this claim is presented by holding Greek identity responsible for it. Thus, the article reinforces negative opinions about Greek identity and foments the perception of enmity. |
2.The article published in Korkusuz with the title “Syrian who threatened to behead deported” covers the story with a negative emphasis on Syrian identity. Thus, the newspaper associates Syrians with crime; it reinforces negative opinions about Syrians. |
3.The article published in Milat with the title “Report from Greeks’ mouth” covers the report written by the European Commission. The report’s criticisms against several issues like Turkey’s drilling work in the Mediterranean and the renewal of mayoral election in Istanbul are defined as “Greek talking” in the article, presenting Greek identity as “enemy”. Thus, the newspaper escalates negative opinions and enmity against Greeks. |
4.Mustafa Çelik, in his column titled “God save us from the religion accepted by the giaour”, criticizes new interpretations of Islam. While he argues that new interpretations are dangerous by writing “The ones who try to invent a religion that may be accepted by the giaour in the world and our country by examining the verses of Quran are as dangerous ad Pharaoh. The ones who try to invent a religion that may be accepted by the giaour make Muslims forget God first and then they try to make them accept anything they found in the pit of blasphemy. They are fighting for Satan, not for God” and claims that their goal is to please “the giaour”. He repeatedly uses the word “giaour” which is used as an expression of insult and enmity for non-Muslims in Turkey and provokes enmity against non-Muslims. |
1. Nefret söylemi odaklı sistematik medya izleme çalışması kapsamında, tüm ulusal gazeteler ve sayısı 500’ü bulan yerel gazete önceden belirlenen anahtar kelimeler üzerinden (ör. hain, dönme, mülteci, Hıristiyan, Yahudi, bölücü vs.) medya takip merkezi aracılığıyla taranıyor. Bu anahtar kelimeleri içeren haber ve köşe yazıları günlük olarak okunuyor (gazetelerin hafta sonu baskıları hariç) ve nefret söylemi içeren yazılar tespit ediliyor. Esas olarak ulusal, etnik ve dini kimlik temelli nefret söylemine odaklanılırken cinsiyetçi ve homofobik/transfobik söylemler de tarama kapsamına alınıyor.