Within August 12-18, 2019, three articles that generate hate speech were selected from print media. You can find these articles that contain hate speech against Jews, Greeks and Westerners as well as the analyses written about them below.1


İstiklal, 16 August 2019

The newspaper İstiklal, in the article titled “Jews’ Aqsa raids continue”, holds all Jews responsible by reporting the incident with this title. The article foments negative opinions about Jews and escalates the perception of enmity against Jews.


Yeni Şafak, 14 August 2019

The article published in Yeni Şafak with the title “FETÖ members took shelter in the Greek” reports the political asylum requests to Greece. With this title, the whole responsibility of what happened is laid on the Greek identity. Thus, the newspaper reinforces negative opinions about and perception of enmity against Greeks.


Yeni Akit, 14 August 2019

In the article titled “The West is repressive, its people are oppressive”, the newspaper Yeni Akit covers Islamophobia. With the statements such as “It is hard to miss the fact that European leaders’ repressive attitude has parallels with Western people’s aggressive attitude towards Muslims” and “Disregarding the basic human right of freedom of religion, Western countries adopt a repressive attitude, while the remnants of Crusaders attack our mosques in an organized way. While European capitals made decisions that ban Muslims from wearing headscarf even on streets, Western people encouraged by leaders who incite Islamophobia organize bloody attacks to our mosques”, Westerners are repeatedly defined as “remnants of Nazis” or “remnants of Crusaders” and all members of this identity is held responsible for massacre and violence. The article presents all Westerners as “anti-Islam” and “anti-Muslim”; it reinforces the perception of enmity against this identity.

1. Nefret söylemi odaklı sistematik medya izleme çalışması kapsamında, tüm ulusal gazeteler ve sayısı 500’ü bulan yerel gazete önceden belirlenen anahtar kelimeler üzerinden (ör. hain, dönme, mülteci, Hıristiyan, Yahudi, bölücü vs.) medya takip merkezi aracılığıyla taranıyor. Bu anahtar kelimeleri içeren haber ve köşe yazıları günlük olarak okunuyor (gazetelerin hafta sonu baskıları hariç) ve nefret söylemi içeren yazılar tespit ediliyor. Esas olarak ulusal, etnik ve dini kimlik temelli nefret söylemine odaklanılırken cinsiyetçi ve homofobik/transfobik söylemler de tarama kapsamına alınıyor.