Within December 31, 2018-January 6, 2019, four articles that generate hate speech were selected. You can find these articles that contain hate speech Greeks in Turkey, Greeks, Syrians, Christians and Jews well as the analyses written about them below.1


Yeniçağ, 4 January 2019

The article published in Yeniçağ with the title “Strong reaction to Greek torment in KKTC [Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus]” reports the rejection of tourist who wanted to enter Northern Cyprus through Southern Cyprus Larnaka Airport by attributing this incident to all Cypriot Greeks. With the description “Greek torment”, the newspaper associates Greek swith violence and incites the existing enmity against them.


İstiklal, 3 January 2019

Ramazan Ercan Bitikçioğlu in his column titled, “Stupidity of pouch on payment”, criticizes practices like paying for pouches and paid military service. In his criticisms, he writes “Even the Greeks, sorry I meant CHP wouldn’t do such a thing… Sad to say but such blindness was not seen even in the time of Atatürk or İsmet.” With this remark, he reinforces negative opinions about Greeks by using Greek identity as an element of threat.


Karadeniz, 2 January 2019

The article published in Karadeniz with the title “Just send them to Syria”, leads the reader to create a hierarchy between Turks and Syrians with the statement above the news title: “While Turkish soldiers are fighting in Syria, young Syrians had fun in Taksim”. The article incites the existing xenophobia and hatred against Syrians; it prevents questioning of devastating effects of war and conditions that force Syrians to live in dangerous situations.


Yeni Akit, 2 January 2019

Akif Bedir, in his column titled “What did we celebrate on New Year’s Eve?”, criticizes the celebrations on the ground that it is a Christian tradition. He associates Jews and Christians with violence and labels them as enemies of Muslims with remarks as the following: “The main reason of Muslim societies’ troubles is the fact that they aspire to be like Christians and Jews and imitate these people from hell. ‘Disaster’ haunts us and ‘disgrace’ blows like a wind over us because we celebrate Christmas, which is the holiday of the herd of inhumane murderers who soak the earth with blood, make the helpless Muslims cry and commits all kinds of atrocities and torments” and “Whose holiday does Muslims, who are murdered, dishonoured and tormented in a world of injustice, unfairness and cruelty just because they are Muslims, celebrate? They are having fun for what?”

1.Within the scope of the media monitoring work focusing on hate speech, all national newspapers and around 500 local newspapers are monitored based on pre-determined keywords (e.g. Traitor, apostate, refugee, Christian, Jewish, separatist, etc.) via the media monitoring center. While the main focus has been hate speech on the basis of national, ethnic and religious identities; sexist and homophobic discourses are also examined as part of the monitoring work.