The book, Sivas with the Armenian Cultural Heritage reveals the multicultural heritage of a region that stretches to the Black Sea in the north, Aleppo in the south, the Euphrates in the east, and Cappadocia in the west while presenting the region's history, life, cultural heritage and its status in 2018 to readers.

Thank you for all your support following the threats directed against our foundation. In the midst of worrying events in Turkey and in the world, in pursuit of a world free of discrimination, we insist on love, hope and #JusticeForAll #ComeLetUsChange

On 27-28 May the Hrant Dink Foundation received a death threat via email. It is our duty to share this statement to remind the authorities of their responsibilities, to emphasize the serious nature of the rise in unconstrained hate speech and the climate that has been created.

The book named Adana with its Armenian Cultural Heritage traces the multicultural structure of Adana, located in the heart of the fertile Çukurova between the Taurus Mountains and the Mediterranean and presents the region's history, cultural heritage and several hundred years of changes in everyday life and the situation in 2018 to its readers.

Develi with its Armenian Cultural Heritage reveals the cultural plurality of Develi by tracing the Armenian community's cultural heritage and history by focusing on two Armenian villages Everek and Fenese that are located in the foothills of Mount Erciyes. You can reveal the several hundred years' changing history and the 2018 situation of Develi's Armenian life and cultural heritage through this book.

We do hope that we will get through this pandemic, which threatens our health and claims tens of thousands of lives, not through polarization and marginalization, but through mutual understanding, being kind to each other, supporting one another and forming global networks of solidarity.

Hrant Dink Foundation will be present at Heritage Istanbul Restoration, Archeology, Museum Technologies Fair and Conferences which will take place between 18-20 March at Istanbul Lutfi Kirdar International Conversion and Exhibition Center Rumeli Hall 1, stand number F12.

Kayseri Dumplings (Mantı) Festival took place on 26th of October 2019, Saturday with the participation of hundreds of guests.The festival hosted various activities all day long.

The 16th International Hrant Dink Award is presented with a special ceremony on Hrant Dink's birthday on Sunday September 15th. Follow the award ceremony live here.

The 11th International Hrant Dink Award was presented to the laureates on Hrant Dink's birthday on Saturday 15th of September. The laureates are Nebahat Akkoç from Turkey and Agnes Kharshiing from India.

International Hrant Dink Award is presented since 2009 on Hrant Dink's birthday, on 15th of September. The eleventh award ceremony will be broadcast live on and

Hrant Dink Foundation will be organizing a scientific conference titled ‘Social, Cultural and Economic History of Kayseri and the Region’ on 18-19 October 2019. The deadline for submission is 1 May 2019.