Panel: Learning Practices in Memorialization
4 November 2024 Monday

Time: 18:00–20:00
Venue: Hrant Dink Foundation, Anarad Hığutyun Building
Papa Roncalli St. No: 128 Harbiye, Şişli/İstanbul

Discussion Titles
Veronika Hager: Memory Education in Germany and Beyond: Current Developments and Challenges
Piotr Popławski: Education and Cultural Projects in Sybir Memorial Museum


Sites of memory and museums play an important role in the process of coming to terms with difficult and violent pasts, reminding us of the pain of the past, while helping subsequent generations to learn from.

We will bring experts who conduct important research on this subject on Monday, 4 November 2024 at 18.00 in the Havak Hall of Anarad Hığutyun Building, in a panel organized within the scope of the project “Rights based learning programs to promote democracy, equality and existence”. In the panel moderated by Aylin Tekiner from the Memory Museum for Historical Justice, Dr. Veronika Hager from the EVZ Foundation, an important researcher memorialization and confrontation will discuss the current challenges facing memory sites in Germany and Central Eastern Europe, innovative approaches to overcome these challenges and how we can approach the attacks on historical truth and memory in the ‘post-truth’ era of historical revisionism. Piotr Popławski, from the Sybir Memorial Museum in Poland, will share the learning programs of the Museum which tells the stories of the people who were enslaved and sent to Russia and the Soviet Union from the late 16th century to the mid-20th century.

The panel will focus on common problems faced by learning programs in museums and memory sites, the similarities and differences of memory studies in different cultures, and the place of memory studies in the digital age. In addition, the panelists will engage in a constructive discussion about the future of memory sites and their relationships with communities.

  • The panel will be an in-person event.
  • Please fill out the registration form
  • There will be simultaneous interpreting in Turkish and English.
  • It will be live-streamed on the Hrant Dink Foundation’s Youtube account.


Piotr Popławski: He has held various positions at the Sybir Memorial Museum, including Head of Educational and Cultural Projects since 2017. Previously, he served as exhibition manager and chief guide at Tykocin Castle. He completed his PhD in History at the University of Białystok.

Veronika Hager: Advisor to the Board of the EVZ Foundation (Foundation for Remembrance, Responsibility and the Future) in Berlin. Previously, she was Curator of Education at the Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum. She holds a PhD in Southeast European History.

Aylin Tekiner: Founder and Director of the Museum of Memory for Historical Justice, artist and human rights defender. She continues to work on the concepts of memory and historical justice in the context of mass violence and social traumas. In 2008, she completed her PhD at Ankara University Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Cultural Foundations of Education. Based on her doctoral thesis, she prepared a book titled “Atatürk Sculptures: Cult, Aesthetics, Politics” was published by İletişim Publications between 2010-2014-2021. Between 2015-2016, she worked on shadow theater techniques at Yale University Theater Department, where she continued her postdoctoral studies. Aylin, who has held solo exhibitions and participated in group exhibitions in her country and abroad, is a member of the Columbia University Social Differences Research Center and a member of the Çocuklarız Bir Aradayız initiative, which carries out collective memory studies on the 1980 coup.