Cover Photograph
Tom Stoddart Archive, Getty Images
Turkish, English, Western Armenian
1st edition - October 2010
274 Pages
12 TL
The Hrant Dink Foundation's 2011 Agenda has been released. The theme of this year‘s agenda is "crowds" and has been prepared in three languages: Armenian, English and Turkish.
A "crowd" is described every week of the year and is accompanied by a h,storical photograph. In addition to featuring those crowds that placed to word of the opperessed against that of the victors, those that praise solidarity, courage and resistance, the agenda also highlights crowds that have given birth to lynchings, massacres, authoritian regimes and state-sponsered violence.
Amongst the featured events related to "crowds" are: Gandhi's Salt March, The Fall of the Berlin Wall - symbol of the Cold War, the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, the mothers of Plaza de Mayo - who have been keeping conscience alive in Argentina for years, anti-war demonstrations, gay pride parades, Newroz - the uttering of whose name was once punishable by law, rebellions, such as the Spartacus rebellion (considered one of the first in history) and the Velvet Revolution, "The day of tiles" - a revolt that heralded the begenning of the French Revolution, One Minute of Darkness for Light Forever, Khristallnacht, the Sivas Massacre, and the others.
Every subject is presented in photo album form with historical snapshots, such as the picture of a man, standing in front of a tank at Tiananmen Square, a monk burning himself in Saigon or the striking scene of thousands of people gathering at Woodstock to shake authority with music. Turning the pages of the agenda jogs one‘s memory and reminds us all of our responsibity as humans, and as actors determining the course of history, whether as indivduals or within crowds.
In addition to inlcuding the official holidays of the Republic of Turkey, this palnner also presents feasts and holidays celebrated by various ethnic and religious groups living in Turkey.
- Book name
- 2011 Agenda - Crowds
- 9786058990043
- Price
- 12 TL
- Pages
- 274
- Witdh
- 130 mm
- Height
- 165 mm
- Weight
- 274 gr
- Printing
- 1st edition - October 2010
- Language
- Turkish, English, Western Armenian
- Cover photograph
- Tom Stoddart Archive, Getty Images
- Contributors
- Ararat Şekeryan, Aret Gıcır, Arlet İncidüzen, Arpi Kantarcıyan, Ayşe Berktay, Belinda Mumcu, Constanze Letsch, Çağlayan Erendağ, Çiğdem Aksoy, Çiğdem Mater, Delal Dink, Elif Kalaycıoğlu, Hanneke van der Heijden, Maral Aktokmakyan, Melissa Bilal, Neda Bebiroğlu, Nora Mildanoğlu, Ohannes Kılıçdağı, Özlem Dalkıran, Pakrat Estukyan, Payline Tovmasyan, Rachel Goshgarian, Rober Koptaş, Sera Dink, Sinem Adar, Talin Suciyan, Vahakn Keşişyan, Yetvart Tovmasyan, Zerrin Baydar, Zeynep Taşkın
- Printing
- Ofset Yapımevi