Ferda Balancar
Ali Ottoman, Nur Deriş Ottoman,
Metin Susan
Turkish, English
1st edition - June 2016
144 Pages
The fourth book of the 'Sounds of Silence' series has been published with the support of Consulate General of Sweden. İzmit’s Armenians Speak, is a product of the oral history project carried out since 2011 by Hrant Dink Foundation.
The Sounds of Silence - IV: İzmit’s Armenians Speak, which compiles 9 out of the 30 interviews, is a narration of Armenian lives and differing experiences of Armenianness as it is told by people living in İstanbul, Yervan and Canada. The aim is thus to establish a dialogue between the reader and the narrator. The foreword by Ferda Balancar, who is a journalist and one of the project coordinators, and the afterword by E. Aras Ergüneş, who is a research assistant at Philosophy Department of Kocaeli University, have contributed in a significant way to the book. There is also a collection of lyrics and tongue twisters by the Armenians who lived at İzmit and surrounding areas.
İzmit’s Armenians Speak is taking us to a visit through the memoirs of the Armenian society. This book is giving clues about the 'self' and 'other' perception the Armenian society carries, by giving examples on the deportation and genocide memories transmitted through generations, as the other books of the series.
First, silence allows the members of the generations that had experienced the Genocide firsthand, or through the narrations of the members of the preceding generations, the relief of shutting themselves off to the trauma of the Genocide and carrying on with their daily lives. (…) The second function that the shroud of silence serves against the Genocide experience is of a public rather than individual concern. The generations that have suffered the Genocide considered it their duty to carry the burden of their trauma to the grave so that it wouldn't rub off on the lives of the succeeding generations and so that they could create an unblemished memory space for their progeny. The way to do this is by responding with silence to the questions posed to them and passing this high-mindedness on to posterity.
E. Aras Ergüneş, afterword
Please click here for İzmitli Ermeniler Konuşuyor - Turkish translation of the book.
- Book name
- İzmit’s Armenians Speak
- Subtitle
- The Sounds of Silence - IV
- Original name
- Sessizliğin Sesi - IV: İzmitli Ermeniler Konuşuyor (2015)
- 9786056601125
- Price
- 175 TL
- Pages
- 144
- Width
- 150 mm
- Height
- 210 mm
- Weight
- 250 gr
- Printing
- 1st edition - June 2016
- Language
- English
- Editor
- Ferda Balancar
- Project coordinators
- Ferda Balancar, Emine Kolivar, Karun Özçelik
- Interviewers
- Betül Altıntaş, İhsan Can Asman, Ferda Balancar, Cem Mert Dallı, Dença Kartun, Emine Kolivar, Armenuhi Nikoghosyan, Karun Özçelik, Masis Taşı, Serra M. Tezcan
- Translators
- Ali Ottoman, Nur Deriş Ottoman, Metin Susan
- Proofreaders
- Salpi Ghazarian, Dença Kartun, Zeynep Oğuz
- Cover concept
- Sera Dink
- Page layout
- Erge Yeksan
- Index
- Murat Gözoğlu
- Printed in
- Mas Matbaacılık
With the contribution of the Consulate General of Sweden…
The photographs used in this book are from the family archives of the interviewees and the Zakarya Mildanoğlu archive.
- Foreword
Ferda Balancar - Introduction
Raymond H. Kévorkian - “When They Ask Me Where I’m From, I Say ‘From Merdegöz’”
- “They Wouldn’t Even Let Me Have a Small Farm in My Own Land”
- “The Armaş Story I Heard from My Grandfather”
- “I Learned My Family’s Story When I Was 50 Years Old”
- “I Found Out I Was From Armaş by Coincidence”
- A Trauma Transmitted from Generation To Generation
- “My Grandfather Grew Tobacco on His Land in Bardizag – What Crime Did He Commit?”
- “My Grandmother Used to Say ‘İzmit Is My Whole World’”
- “My Father Used to Say ‘I Want to Kiss Those Eyes of Yours That Have Seen Bardizag’”
- In Lieu of an Afterword
- Index