The conference titled ‘A Civilization Destroyed: The Wealth of Non-Muslims in the Late Ottoman Period and the Early Republican Era’ organized by Hrant Dink Foundation in cooperation with Bogazici, Bilgi and Sabanci Universities.

The Conference on Islamized Armenians, which is organized by Hrant Dink Foundation with the cooperation of Boğaziçi University History Deparment and MalatyaHAYDer and with the support of Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Hrant Dink Foundation, with the support of Medical Association of Mardin, Mardin Bar Association, KAMER Mardin, Mardin Cinema Society and Turabdin Assyrian Culture and Solidarity Association.

The scientific meeting of the Social and Economic History of Diyarbakır and the Region was held, which met with a great interest in the region and organized by Hrant Dink Foundation in Diyarbakır.

Sabanci University hosted an international workshop entitled 'Adana 1909: History, Memory, and Identity from a Hundred Year Perspective'. The workshop included scholars from the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Italy.

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