Hrant Dink Foundation Empowering CSO's Grant Program, which is funded by the European Union, aims to support the empowerment of human rights and democracy in Turkey, the protection of rights and freedoms, and promotion of conviviality among different ethnic, social, and political groups through mutual understanding, dialogue and building of trust.

5 May - Memory and Cultural Heritage

Diyarbakır Association for the Protection of Cultural and Natural Assets  

Project Name: Diyarbakır/Sur: A Journey of Memory

The association carries out activities in the fields of discrimination, human rights, cultural heritage, right to the city, and memory studies. Their project seeks to transfer, record and to keep the cultural heritage alive which is lost in the aftermath of the conflict and urban transformation in Diyarbakır's Sur district to future generations to offer a contribution to the development of urban identity and urban rights.

Social Research and Original Thinking Association

Project Name: 'Kars: From A Shared Past Towards Coexistence in the City of All of Us

The association aimsto contribute to the establishment of a culture of peace instead of intercultural hate speech andcarries out activities focusing on the culture and history of Kars.

The Quincentennial Foundation Museum of Turkish Jews

Project Name: What Our Jewish Past Taught Us

In order to promote the culture of Ottoman and Turkish Jews in Turkey and abroad  500th Year Foundation conducts oral history studies traces of Jewish people to create a memory about the past and aims to build a bridge for coexistence in regions where Jewish community once lived. 

5 May - Gender and Women's Rights

Bitlis Women Entrepreneurs Association

Project Name: Women Empowered Through Theatre 

In this project, the association, which undertakes activities in the framework of women's rights and gender equality, aims to raise awareness about body consciousness, discover and express women's feelings through a play that women stage from Bitlis.

PERYÖN - People Management Association of Turkey

Project Name: Diversity-Driven Structure for the Working Life

PERYÖN particularly works with various companies in employment processes that focus on gender equality and pluralism. This Project seeks to create a working environment where human rights and individual freedoms are respected in the context of gender equality and sexual orientation.  

Production Economy Association

Project Name: Women's Work Against Climate and Biodiversity Crises

The association aimsto raise awareness about the social benefits of fair business models, conduct research, and introduce society to the derivative economy model. The Project seeks to emphasize the importance of women's labor and production practices in preventing the climate and biodiversity crises, creating common ground to tackle these issues by building solidarity among women and supporting their economic activities.

Yüksekova Social Impact and Culture Association

Project Name: Women and Children Will Change the World

YÜSED aims to identify the position and needs of women in Yüksekova by organizing various activities where they come together with women and children. In this project, YÜSED aims to raise awareness on gender-based violence, contribute to the development of methods to recognize and question and change the traditional position of women, draw attention to traditional child education that includes sexist practices and support implementation of alternative approaches. 

6 May - Refugee Rights

Association for Solidarity with Refugees

Project Name: Production of Efficient Short Films and Public Spots to Tackle Discrimination Against Refugees

The association aims to raise awareness about the rights, conditions, and problems of refugees, and immigrants, aims to reach participants form different age and occupational background with human rights-based filmmaking workshops to struggle against the growing discrimination.

Clean Clothes Campaign

Project Name: Informing Syrian Migrant Workers About Occupational Diseases

The association, which works in the field of textile workers' rights and occupational diseases, seeks to share and disseminate information to raise awareness of occupational diseases which are frequently seen at sectors where immigrants work the most and the  protection methods and application mechanisms in relation with these diseases are shared within this project. 

6 May - Human Rights

Foundation for Society and Legal Studies

Project Name: Supporting the Use of Grievance Mechanisms to Prevent Discrimination

TOHAV and ESHID, which are involved in monitoring, advocacy and support activities in order to ensure full and equal benefit of human rights and freedoms, come together with law enforcement officers, individuals civil soicety organizations and disadvantaged groups who have experiences rights violations and work together to prevent discrimination by using the application mechanisms as an effective tool. They aim to provide legal support, monitoring and reporting activities, and organizecapacity building training.

Human Rights Foundation of Turkey

Project Name: Strengthening Social Control in Preventing Torture and Gross Serious Human Rights Violations 

Since its establishment, Human Rights Foundation Turkey (HRFT) has conducted lobbying and advocacy efforts to contribute to the establishment of effective mechanisms for monitoring and prevention of torture. Within the scope of this project,the HRFT aims to monitor, report, share experience and know-how programs and develop a virtual database on rights violations.

Pi Youth Association

Project Name: Strengthening Youth Organisations for Rights-Based and Inclusive Youth Studies

Pi Youth Association which is an Izmir based civil society organisation working on youth rights aims to empower more than 30 civil society organisations and youth activists in human rights, youth rights and anti-discrimiantion. Within the project a domestic youth network has been established called “Local Youth Associations Network”. The youth organizations that are members of the network will continue their cooperation within the scope of this network after the project for the sustainability of the activities to be carried out in the respective areas.

PUNTO24 Platform for Independent Jounalism 

Project Name: Susma Platform: Stronger Voices Against Censorship and Self-Censor

P24 is an initiative to support and promote editorial independence in the press in Turkey when the journalistic profession is under fierce commercial and political pressure. This project aims to raise awareness about the freedom of speech and focuses on censorships, bans, and criminal prosecutions found in cultural, art, and media spheres by content generation and organizing public events.

Social Rights and Research Association

Project Name: Project: Monitoring and Reporting Disability Rights

Specialized in the field of the disability rights, TOHAD carries out monitoring and reporting that can reveal the various and existing aspects of the ongoing discrimination in personal mobility, rehabilitation and adequate standard of working conditions. The monitoring study also includes theinvestigating of the abuse and ill-treatment of physical violence incidents.

This project is funded by the European Union.