The rooted "others" of media in Turkey 


Arus Yumul 

İdil Engindeniz

Kaya Akyıldız

Facilitator: Pınar Uyan Semerci

19 Kasım Tuesday, 19:00 - 20.30

Hrant Dink Foundation, Anarad Hığutyun Building, Havak Hall

The print media monitoring work of, which has been carried out since 2009 by the Monitoring of Hate Speech in the Media Project, shows that the groups that are targeted by the hate speech that media produced - although densities change – are very much rooted. You are invited to our panel to discuss the reasons and origins of this rootedness with the contributions of Arus Yumul, Kaya Akyıldız, İdil Engindeniz and Pınar Uyan Semerci.

Arus Yumul, faculty member of Bilgi University Sociology Department, İdil Engindeniz faculty member of Galatasaray University Faculty of Communication and project consultant on Media Watch on Hate Speech Project and Kaya Akyıldız, faculty member of Bahçeşehir University Sociology Department will be the speaker and Pınar Uyan Semerci Bilgi University Political Science faculty member will contribute our panel as facilitator.