You are invited to our panel which will be held at Hrant Dink Foundation on Monday, July 1st at 6.30 PM!

In this panel, journalists and media experts from Turkey and Europe will convey the dimensions of discrimination and hate speech towards refugees in the media and their experiences of struggle. The panel will begin with an opening presentation of the Hrant Dink Foundation's works on media monitoring of hate speech and discriminatory discourse on Syrian refugees. Mike Jempson, founder and director of The MediaWise Trust, who works in the field of journalistic ethics will address the work of promoting fair and accurate representation of refugees in the media as well as encouraging the interaction of refugee communities with the media. Nadia Bellardi, project manager of Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE), will speak about promotion of refugees participation and combatting discrimination through media. Ekin Karaca, co-editor of bianet, will address the importance of right-based approach to journalism in order to combat discrimination against refugees. The panel will be moderated by Metin Çorabatır, president of the Research Center on Asylum and Migration (IGAM).

Date: July 1st 2019, Monday

Time: 6:30 PM

Venue: Hrant Dink Foundation, Havak Hall

Address: Anarad Hığutyun Binası

Papa Roncalli Sk. No: 128

Harbiye - Şişli - İstanbul

There will be simultaneous translation from English to Turkish.

The event will be broadcasted live on Facebook.

Mike Jempson (The MediaWise Trust)

Mike Jempson is a journalist, writer, and trainer. A former univertsdity lecture, he has been Director of The MediaWise Trust, a journalism ethics NGO, since 1996. A former university lecturer, he has worked as a trainer in some 40 countries with the International Federation of Journalists, the Media Diversity Institute, UNICEF and WHO, among others. His publications include material on media accountability systems, children's rights, reporting about refugees, coverage of suicide, and censorship. He serves on the Ethics Council of the National Union of Journalists (UK & Ireland) and is a Fellow of the Lithuanian National Institute for Social Integration and an advisor to the Ethical Journalism Network.

Nadia Bellardi (Community Media Forum Europe)

Nadia Bellardi works as transcultural consultant on media projects and research covering migration, inclusion, diversity, Islam and gender issues. Her clients are international organisations, NGOs and corporations across Europe. As project manager of Community Media Forum Europe, Nadia Bellardi is coordinating the EU-funded projects Media Against Hate (2016-2018) and New Neighbours (2019-2020). She has been appointed as independent expert and rapporteur to the Council of Europe Committee of Experts on Quality Journalism in the Digital Age (MSI-JOQ). Since 2018 Nadia is member of the Board of the Swiss Foundation for Radio and Culture SRKS/FSRC, headquartered in Bern, supporting radio creativity through programmes, trainings, productions, competitions, cultural events, projects and events in the field of radio broadcasting.

Ekin Karaca (bianet)

Ekin Karaca is co-editorial director of bianet. He has been working at bianet since 2011. In 2006-2007 he was working at Nokta magazine and from 2008 to 2011 at Aktüel magazine as reporter. He was graduated from Media and Communication Systems department of Bilgi University in 2004 and graduated from master degree at the Cultural Studies program at the same university in 2008.

Metin Çorabatır (İltica ve Göç Araştırmaları Merkezi)

Metin Çorabatır is an expert on asylum and migration issues. He is currently the President of the Research Centre on Asylum and Migration (IGAM), an Ankara based think-thank NGO established in June 2013. In 2018 he was selected by Malala Fun as a Gulmakai Education Champion. IGAM has established a partnership with OXFAM to organize International Istanbul Refugee Conference in 2018 to put proposals for Global Compact on Refugees which is to be endorsed by the world leaders in December 2018. He worked for 18 years as the spokesperson and external relations officer of the UNHCR Office in Turkey until his retirement on June 2013. He had 19 years of previous experience in journalism.