Asulis Discourse, Dialogue and Democracy Laboratory aims to encourage prospective researchers who will promote pluralism and the ideal of co-existence in Turkey and carry out works in these fields. The aim of the workshops is to create opportunity to discuss theses, enhancing the dialog between researchers working in this field and form connections between academics and researchers.

In the third workshop of the “Asulis Social Sciences Grad Students Workshops” series, three researches focusing on experiences of refugees and migrants will be discussed. The workshop will be held on November 27, Tuesday in Hrant Dink Foundation, Anarad Hığutyun Building.

The event will be held in Turkish. The maximum number of participants is 15. The application process will end on November 23, Friday at 6 p.m.




Seda Günel Yılmaz

“A Feminist Methodology in International Forced Migration Studies: The Experience of Syrian Women in Mardin”

Speaker: Ulaş Sunata (Bahçeşehir University)


Ceren Ataş

“Migration from Anatolia to London: The Alevi Practices of Alevi Women and Equality Discourses

Speaker: Besim Can Zırh (Middle East Technical University)


Sümeyye Açıkgöz

“Spatial Cluster Dynamics of Irregular Migrants in Metropolitian Cities: Example of Afghan Refugees in Beykoz-Yenimahalle”

Speaker: Lülüfer Körükmez (Association for Migration Research)