Workshop: Methods for combating hate speech in social media

Facilitator: Aslı Tunç

25 October, Thursday, 15.00-18.00 

Hrant Dink Foundation Anarad Hiğutyun Building

In the workshop, how hate speech is generated and spread in social media and the possible methods for creating an alternative language to combat such discourse will be discussed through examples. You can fill out the form below to attend the workshop which will be held on October 25 at 3 p.m. with the participation of Prof. Aslı Tunç from Istanbul Bilgi University Department of Communication.

The event will be held in Turkish. The maximum number of participants is 15. The application process will end on October 22, at 6 p.m.


15.00-15.15: Presentation of the project “Media Watch on Hate Speech”

15.15-16.00: Presentation about hate speech and discriminatory discourse in social media (Prof. Aslı Tunç)

16.00-16.15: Q&A and discussion

16.15-16.45: Break

16.45-17.30: Discussion on discriminatory discourse and hate speech through selected examples from social media

17.30-18.00: Combating hate speech in social media: What can we do to create an alternative language?

Prof. Dr. Aslı Tunç is a professor at the Media and Communication Systems Department at Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey. She has a BA in communication sciences from Istanbul University and an MA in film and television studies from Anadolu University. She received her Ph.D. in media and communications at Temple University in Philadelphia in 2000. She has given lectures and seminars at universities in the USA, the UK and Greece and written numerous academic articles, book chapters, and international country reports on the areas of media and democracy, digital activism, social media, and freedom of expression. She is also a regular contributor to P24: Platform for Independent Journalism website ( focusing on media-related issues.