Hrant Dink was assassinated 5 years ago in front of Sebat Building which used to house Agos Newspaper. Thousands of people commemorated him and demanded justice on Friday, January 19th.

Hrant Dink was assassinated 4 years ago in front of Sebat Building which used to house Agos Newspaper. Thousands of people commemorated him and demanded justice on Thursday, January 19th.

Hrant Dink was assassinated 3 years ago in front of Sebat Building which used to house Agos Newspaper. Thousands of people commemorated him and demanded justice on Wednesday, January 19th.

Hrant Dink was assassinated 2 years ago in front of Sebat Building which used to house Agos Newspaper. Thousands of people commemorated him and demanded justice on Tuesday, January 19th.

Hrant Dink was assassinated 1 years ago in front of the Sebat Building which used to house the Agos Newspaper. Thousands of people commemorated him and demanded justice on Saturday, January 19th.