You are invited to a series of events in Istanbul with the partnership of Houshamadyan and Hrant Dink Foundation! Join us for a lecture on Houshamadyan's experience in revealing the Ottoman Armenian heritage and memory object collection workshops.

A series of events will be held in Hrant Dink Foundation between 22-24 November with Vahe Tachjian from Houshamadyan.

22.11.2018, 6:30pm
Houshamadyan: The Ottoman Armenian Heritage

23.11.2018, 10:00am-6:00pm
Open door event to collect memory materials

24.11.2018, 10:00am-6:00pm
Open door event to collect memory materials

For the workshops, we invite you to bring family materials from Anatolia (old photographs, unpublished memoires, documents, books, any kind of objects, etc.) owned by your family members who lived in Ottoman era. Hrant Dink Foundation and Houshamadyan teams will digitize or photograph these materials on the spot, and they will be returned to their owners immediately. The collected materials will be published on