Larysa Michalska who is working in Education Department of the Galicia Jewish Museum as educator will lead a workshop on December 21th between 14.00 – 17.00h at the Hrant Dink Foundation.In this workshop participants will debate the choices faced by different individuals connected with the Holocaust, discussing the complicated issue of victims, perpetrators, and bystanders. In small groups, the participants will read and discuss the stories of people and their choices during the Holocaust. They will then present these biographies and we will discuss about many difficult moral choices with which people struggled during the time of WWII.
The language of the workshop will be English.
Participation in the workshop is limited to 25 people. In order to participate in the workshop please fill in the form below. The deadline for the application is 18 December, 20:00 pm. The applicants will be informed on 19th of December.