With the partnership of Gulbenkian Foundation, Hrant Dink Foundation organizes Western Armenian language courses and cultural seminars. The courses are held in Istanbul, in the Hrant Dink Foundation Anarad Hıgutyun Building.
The Western Armenian Language Courses, which The Hrant Dink Foundation conducts in partnership with The Gulbenkian Foundation, as usual will be held in Istanbul, in the Hrant Dink Foundation.
The Western Armenian Language Courses, will start its new semester in 8 May 2017. As it was in the previous semesters, the course will take place in Anarad Higutyun Building - Istanbul.
Hrant Dink Foundation's Western Armenian Language Courses 2016 Fall Semester was held in İstanbul from 26th September to 22nd November 2016, in partnership with the Gulbenkian Foundation.
Hrant Dink Foundation’s Summer Program on Western Armenian Language and Culture was held in Istanbul for the first time from 11th of July to 12th of August 2016, in collaboration with Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.