Turkey Cultural Heritage Map is a product of cultural heritage research in the Hrant Dink Foundation. It is an online interactive research tool for both scholars and enthusiasts, as well as a travel companion. The map records Armenian, Greek, Syriac, and Jewish cultural heritage in order to make visible the multiple cultures and facets of different communities in Anatolia.

With an update in November 2018, new multimedia content is placed next to the 10.000 cultural heritage sites. Presented as stories and city tours, the content is composed of 360 degree photos, videos and audios. The users can also discover the surrounding of their location by accessing points both from the cultural heritage sites and the audiovisual stories.

Going beyond tangible cultural heritage, this work also contains findings on the intangible cultural heritage. By locating the places where Armenians lived between the Ottoman and Republican times on an interactive map, this work also uses new media forms having in mind revival of the memory.


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The map is constantly updated based on a research that has been going on since 2014. To learn about the different phases of the research you can check Revealing and Advocating Multicultural Heritage of Anatolia and Adaptive and Creative Reuse of Sites of Memories.