“For Equal Rights” NGO has been launched as a civic initiative since 2013. Later on, in 2016 the initiative enlarged the scope of its activities and was registered as an NGO. The mission of FER is:

  • To promote the development of civic consciousness, enhancing values based on rule of law, creation of culture of discussions and debates by enlarging the opportunities of freedom of speech and pluralism.
  • To stimulate youth and CSO participation in social and political affairs, increase their influence on decision making process and raise the accountability of the public institutions.
  • To create an alternative dialogue platform for meetings, discussions and debates for representatives of civil society, youth, academia and field of culture, media, policy makers and public figures.
  • To raise issues of public concern and create a new field for comprehensive discussions on these issues.
  • To build the capacity of youth, civic activist groups and media representatives and promote development of legally conscious and demanding civil society.
    We believe that the dignified and legally conscious individual is the guarantee of healthy society and we are working for promoting that.
  • All the people are born free and equal with their rights and dignity.
  • The human being and his/her dignity are ultimate values.
  • Everyone has the freedom of expressing his/her opinion, while refraining from offending someone’s dignity and reputation.

The projects we implement are diverse in formats and methods and include human rights festivals, human rights campaigns, pan-Armenian student debate club, human rights and civic activism camps, public discussions, film screenings, women’s talks, exhibitions, human rights talks with high level officials, human rights schools, media tours, training courses, etc..

See the Facebook page of “Article 3” Human Rights Club Founded by “For Equal Rights” NGO for more details.


The areas of the fellowship will have a particular focus on human rights education and human rights promotion.


During the fellowship the fellow will be suggested to take part in organization and implementation of any of the activities held in our organization. However, to specify more, we will be happy to host a fellow with skills and capacity in the field of human rights + design. Together we will prepare and implement a human rights campaign in Armenia. Formerly, we have implemented campaigns in the fields of active citizenship, fight against hate speech, feminism, etc..

Currently, we have two campaign ideas in mind, however we are open to discuss new ones. One is to have a campaign on fight against domestic violence in Armenia. The main idea is to design and disseminate awareness raising materials in the state registration offices for marriages. They will be designed in the forms of presents for newly married couples together with information about domestic violence and hot line numbers to call in case of violations.

Another idea we have in mind is to implement an awareness raising campaign on transitional justice and need for reforms in the judicial system. This is very timely and in line with the upcoming political processes in Armenia.

We are open to discuss new ideas for human rights campaigns, new methods and even for the abovementioned campaigns the main dimensions, targets and campaign details will be discussed together with the fellow.


  • A young professional in the field of design
  • Good command of English language is necessary
  • Human rights sensitive approach and value based attitude towards issues
  • Working experience in the field of human rights will be an asset


Working days, 11:00-19:00. We are open to discuss the details with the fellow.


Any one month between April 2020 and May 2021 upon the agreement of the host and the fellow.