In addition to the Western Armenian Language Courses,  Hrant Dink Foundation is starting the Western Armenian Speaking Workshops. This workshop is developed for those who want to improve their Western Armenian speaking skills. The workshop will consist of 10 sessions and will run between 26 September and 05 December once a week. Each session will last one and a half hours.

This workshop aims at enhancing vocabulary knowledge and improving speaking and listening skills in Western Armenian. The participants will talk about different themes each week. Participants are required to know basic level of Western Armenian. As throughout the workshop Armenian will be the only spoken language.


1. I understand the language but I can’t speak: This level is suitable for participants, who are fresh starters of Armenian language and who can form basic level sentences. ( This level is suitable for participants who have completed the first level Western Armenian course in the Foundation)

2. I speak moderately: This level is suitable for participants who have learned Armenian language but unable to speak fluently.  (This level is suitable for participants who have completed the second level Western Armenian course in the Foundation)

 3. I speak fluently: This level is suitable for participants who know Armenian well and use it in their daily life but want to develop speaking skills and vocabulary. (This level is suitable for participants who know Armenian language advanced level)


Levels of the participants will be determined through the answers in the registration form.


Workshop Sessions (Istanbul Time):

Tuesday   19:00 - 20:30

Thursday  19:00 - 20:30

Saturday   11:00 - 12:30 / 19:00- 20:30


The workshop will be held when there is sufficient registration.

Each group will consist of up to 10 participants. New groups will be formed depending on the demand.

Note: Depending on the demand another session for 14-18 aged teenagers will be opened..


To register, please fill in the form below until 25th September 2020. You will be informed by an email once the groups are formed and following the receipt of the email, you will be expected to pay the registration fee for 10 sessions to the indicated bank account. Participants can make their payments until the start date of the workshops.

Bank: T. Vakıflar Bankası / Osmanbey Branch / Branch Code: 6

Name of Account: Hrant Dink Vakfi Iktisadi Isletmesi

TL Account IBAN: TR12 0001 5001 5800 7301 2480 23

Euro Account IBAN: TR71 0001 5001 5804 8014 2660 23


USDollar Account IBAN: TR49 0001 5001 5804 8014 1344 99



The total registration fee for 10 sessions is:

For those registering from Turkey 150 TL

For those registering from abroad 50 USD or 40 EUR

The workshops will be led by different experts from Turkey and abroad depending on the profile of the participants. 


For questions:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 0212 240 33 61