Prepared by
Ferda Balancar
Nur Deriş, Ali Ottoman
Turkish, English
1st edition - February 2012
176 Pages
175 TL
Come, let us first understand each other...
Hrant Dink
The book The Sounds of Silence - Turkey's Armenians Speak is the end product of the Oral History Project carried out by Hrant Dink Foundation in 2011 with the support of Olof Palme Center. The book contains 15 stories that are told by 15 ‘Armenians’ aged between 19 and 70 from Istanbul and various cities of Anatolia. The book is compiled by Ferda Balancar preserving the original accounts of the interviewees. People living with the Armenian identity since their birth, people living with hidden identities, people born as Islamicized Armenians and turning back to their Armenian identities and people living on as a Muslims... Their stories cover both the historical memory and what the Armenians in Turkey experience today.
This work intends to find the traces of Armenians living in Turkey and of the political and cultural memory of Armenian society, to reveal the continuity of cultural existence and to realize how Armenians perceive themselves and the ‘other' in order to reflect the 'reality' of the Armenians in terms of its political, cultural and historical dimensions.
Ali Bayramoğlu, from the foreword
Although these are stories of individuals, although these stories seem like they belong to a community, they actually expect to be heard by the ‘other’. As long as they are not heard, they will not achieve their real aim. Speaking is not only the saying of words, something will always be lacking unless someone hears what is being said. Words that are not listened to will hang around in the air for a while but they cannot strongly make their existence heard, they cannot affect the collective memory strongly.
Arus Yumul, from the epilogue
Please click here for Türkiyeli Ermeniler Konuşuyor - Turkish translation of the book.
- Book name
- Turkey's Armenians Speak
- Subtitle
- The Sounds of Silence
- Original name
- Sessizliğin Sesi - Türkiyeli Ermeniler Konuşuyor (2011)
- 9786056286209
- Price
- 18 TL
- Pages
- 176
- Width
- 150 mm
- Height
- 210 mm
- Weight
- 232 gr
- Printing
- 1st edition - February 2012
- Language
- English
- Prepared by
- Ferda Balancar
- Interviews
- Altuğ Yılmaz, Burcu Becermen, Dença Kartun, Emre Ertani, Lora Baytar, Maral Dink, Murat Gözoğlu, Nazlı Temir, Nora Mildanoğlu, Tabita Toparlak, Vartan Estukyan, Zeynep Ekim Elbaşı
- Translation
- Nur Deriş, Ali Ottoman
- Translation revised by
- Clarissa Barton
- Cover consept
- Sera Dink
- Layout
- Sera Dink
- Cover photos
- From the Mihran Tomasyan Archive
- Printed in
- Mas Matbaacılık
The photographs used in this book are taken from the work ‘Les Arméniens à La Veille du Génocide dans l’Empire Ottoman’ (R. H. Kevorkian, P. B. Paboudjian; ARHIS, Paris, 1992).
With the contribution of the Olof Palme Centre...
- Foreword, Ali Bayramoğlu
- Being an Armenian and an industrialist in Turkey
- “I have the right to say I am Armenian”
- “When my father became a Muslim, my mother left the house”
- “I heard about ‘40 Days on Musa Mountain’ from my grandmother”
- “If you are an Armenian, you are going to be a doctor”
- Being an Armenian in Malatya
- “Do you know why there are so many mosquitoes in Doğubayazıt?”
- “It’s only to the people closest to me that I talk about these things”,
- “I’m from Kadıköy; I feel a part of this city”
- “1915 is not past history and it shouldn’t be”
- “There’s nothing worse than being an Armenian in this country”
- “I’m a citizen of the Turkish Republic but I cannot consider myself Turkish”
- “I only had a problem once”
- “Strip me of my rank; I would give my life for this non-Muslim”
- “Anyone with a map grabs it and comes up to me”
- Epilogue, Arus Yumul
- Index