The Cultural Haritage team had a field trip to Adana between 24 September and 4 October. The objective was to establish contact with local civil society organizations, government bodies, educational institutions and individuals.We had 12 meetings in central Adana and the districts. About which we will have a different posting soon. Another objective was to continue the inventory mapping of Turkey Cultural Heritage. Of the initial 64 locations, 53 were visited in 12 of Adana's 15 districts. In these 53 locations, 90 places were identified as either in some physical condition, or being remembered by the locals.
In Adana we were joined by Nilgün Ezgi Güney, who interned with us back in Istanbul and was very helpful with her insights and hardwork, she is now back to school in Middle East Technical University in Ankara to complete her degree in Urban Planning. Mr. Levon Erarslan was very helpful both in Istanbul, where we had a meeting to discuss our trip and also in Adana, where he was very generously sharing with us his deep knowledge and experience of the area. We are more than delighted that Mr. Levon will continute supporting our project in the coming phases. We also thank our driver Mr. Haci Güneş, who not only drove our car to the far reaches of Adana, but also nurtured our research through his private connections in many locations we went to. Last but not least, this research was not going to be possible withouth the essential help of the inhabitants of the locations we went to.

Before departing to Adana we conducted the focused research on Adana by developing our Adana map, benefitting from the databases of KMKD, ÇEKÜL and Adana Provincial Inventory. Our foremost source was Puzant Yeghyayan's History of Adana Armenians (Antilias, 2012, reprint).Below is the map of our fieldtrip with notes, locations and photographs. Please note that these are also updated in our Turkey Cultural Heritage Map, and please do share with us any comments, corrections and information you think we missed.